This is a Python script to calculate a distance matrix, i.e. the distances for all permutations between a set of two locations. It relies on the Bing Maps API to get these distances. In the context of this project, distance matrices were necessary to have the costs - in terms of travel time and km distance - for any combination of two teams on one league level playing in the same division.
This script was developed with Python3 and currently only has one non-Python standardlib dependency. You can install it with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Furthermore, you will need to have a Bing Maps API key and save it in a
in the project directory with bing_maps_key = yourapikey
as the content.
runs the script that calls the Bing Maps distance API and writes the distance matrix JSON. For this to work, the file specified within with open("kl_b-junioren_niedersachsen.json", "r") as f:
has to be presented (We can't share this input data on GitHub, due to requirements by the Challenge provider).