Generate Venn diagrams in Julia. Uses the excellent Compose package.
using VennDiagrams
c1 = [0:5] # Can be any iterable
c2 = [3:10]
p = venn(c1, c2)
draw(PDF("beaut1.pdf", 8cm, 10cm), p)
c3 = [0:2:12]
p = venn(c1, c2, c3, proportional=false)
draw(PDF("beaut3.pdf", 8cm, 10cm), p)
proportional::Bool = true,
Simply enough, everything is accessible through the venn
function, with
optional selection of proportinality, labels, and colors.
For more control of stroke, linewidth, font size/type, etc... use the
function to modify the venn diagram before plotting:
using Compose
compose(p, stroke("black"), linewidth(2mm))