Learning Devops is super fun and interesting to me. This is a repository which contains my notes and study materials in the journey to be a Devops.
- Build a docker image with a name tag where dockerfile is located on the same folder("." means location of dockerfile)
sudo docker build -t <image_name> .
- To run specific docker image
sudo docker run <image_name>
- List of all running docker container
sudo docker ps
sudo docker exec -it <container_id> sh
- To stop a particular docker container
sudo docker stop <container_id>
- To inspect a particular docker container
sudo docker inspect <container_id>
- Clinet URL or cURL is a command-line tool for getting or sending data including files using URL syntax.
curl http://localhost:8090/ or curl www.google.com
- To find container ID.
docker inspect <container_id or name> | grep IPAddress
- TCP Dump at en0 (mac)/ network-interface-name en0, docker0
sudo tcpdump -i en0
- To change permission
sudo chmod 400 <cert file/ pem file>
- To login server
ssh -i <cert or pem file> username@ip
exm: ssh -i xyz.cer [email protected]
- Install docker in linux server
sudo apt install docker.io
- Restart docker and check status
sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo systemctl status docker
- Install network inspect tools
sudo apt install net-tools
- IP Tables
sudo iptables -L
- To see docker network
sudo docker network ls
sudo docker network inspect <L2-bridge-name>