Flutter mysql plugin helps extend classes. Since 2.0.0, the mysql_client extension library is used, which is more stable. Try to be compatible with the method before version 2.0.0.
If you use sqlite, you can also try sqlite_utils.
Compared with 1.0, the initialization parameters have changed. Please refer to the following modifications, use the singleton mode, and call close(); after use to close the database connection.
var db = MysqlUtils(
settings: {
'host': '',
'port': 3306,
'user': 'root',
'password': 'root',
'db': 'test',
'maxConnections': 10,
'secure': false,
'prefix': 'prefix_',
'pool': true,
'collation': 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
'sqlEscape': true,
errorLog: (error) {
sqlLog: (sql) {
connectInit: (db1) async {
Native query, note that the usage here is different from version 1.0, 2.0 inherits the method of mysql_client
var row = await db
.query('select id from Product where id=:id or description like :description',{
//// print(row.rowsAssoc.first.assoc());
// for (var item in row.rowsAssoc) {
// print(item.assoc());
// }
// for (final row in row.rowsAssoc) {
// print(row.colAt(0));
// print(row.colByName("nickname"));
// print(row.assoc());
// }
// db.close();
Query Multi data , multi-table query
var res = await db.getAll(
table: 'user tb1,upload tb2',
fields: 'tb2.fileSize',
where: 'tb2.id>0 and tb2.uid=tb1.id',
debug: true,
Query one data
var row = await db.getOne(
table: 'table',
fields: '*',
//group: 'name',
//having: 'name',
//order: 'id desc',
//limit: 10,//10 or '10 ,100'
// where: {
// 'email': '[email protected]',
// 'id': ['between', '1,4'],
// 'email2': ['=', '[email protected]'],
// 'news_title': ['like', '%name%'],
// 'user_id': ['>', 1],
// 'user_id': ['<', 1],
// 'user_id': ['<>', 1],
// 'user_id': ['=', 1],
// 'email3': ['!=', '[email protected]'],
// '_SQL': '(`isNet`=1 OR `isNet`=2)',
// },
//where:'`id`=1 AND name like "%jame%"',
Query multiple data
var row = await db.getAll(
table: 'table',
fields: '*',
//group: 'name',
//having: 'name',
//order: 'id desc',
//limit: 10,//10 or '10 ,100'
// where: {
// 'email': '[email protected]',
// 'id': ['between', '1,4'],
// 'email2': ['=', '[email protected]'],
// 'news_title': ['like', '%name%'],
// 'user_id': ['>', 1],
// '_SQL': '(`isNet`=1 OR `isNet`=2)',
// },
//where:'`id`=1 AND name like "%jame%"',
Add a data, return lastInsertID.
await db.insert(
table: 'table',
debug: false,
insertData: {
'telphone': '+113888888888',
'create_time': 1620577162252,
'update_time': 1620577162252,
Add multiple data, return affectedRows.
await db.insertAll(
table: 'table',
debug: false,
insertData: [
'telphone': '13888888888',
'create_time': 1111111,
'update_time': 12121212,
'email': '[email protected]'
'telphone': '13881231238',
'create_time': 324234,
'update_time': 898981,
'email': '[email protected]'
Update data
await db.update(
table: 'table',
'telphone': '1231',
'create_time': 12,
'update_time': 12121212,
'email': '[email protected]'
Delete data
await db.delete(
where: {'id':1}
Statistical data
await db.count(
table: 'table',
fields: '*',
//group: 'name',
//having: 'name',
await db.avg(
table: 'table',
fields: 'price',
//group: 'name',
//having: 'name',
await db.min(
table: 'table',
fields: 'price',
//group: 'name',
//having: 'name',
await db.max(
table: 'table',
fields: 'price',
//group: 'name',
//having: 'name',
Transaction support, In case of exception, transaction will roll back automatically.
await db.startTrans();
await db.delete(table: 'user', where: {'id': 25}, debug: true);
//await db.delete(table: 'user1', where: {'id': 26}, debug: true);
await db.commit();
await db.close();
Connection is open or closed
var isAlive = await db.isConnectionAlive();
if (isAlive) print('mysql is isAlive');
cd example
dart run lib/main.dart