It's show dropdown menu list.
Download the project and drop BSDropDownClass into your project. Don't forget to import the header file.
#import "BSDropDown.h"
You can create a dropdown with options to show ans add in your view. Here is the example
BSDropDown *ddView=[[BSDropDown alloc] initWithWidth:120 withHeightForEachRow:50 withOptions:@[@"option 1",@"option 2",@"option 3",@"option 4",@"option 5"]];
// ddView.dropDownBGColor=[UIColor yellowColor];
// ddView.dropDownTextColor=[UIColor greenColor];
// ddView.dropDownFont=[UIFont systemFontOfSize:13];
[self.view addSubview:ddView];
You can customize it's backgroud color, font and text color using the commented code above. The colour of menu button will be the same as defined for the text colour of options in dropdown.
Implement the delegate method to know when user cliceked an option
#pragma mark - DropDown Delegate
-(void)dropDownView:(UIView *)ddView AtIndex:(NSInteger)selectedIndex{
NSLog(@"selectedIndex: %li",(long)selectedIndex);
_displayLabel.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"options %li",(long)selectedIndex+1];