feat(SPV-1021): bhs merkleroots endpoint #562
10 errors and 2 warnings
Analyze (go)
undefined: ExclusiveStartKeyPagedResponse
Analyze (go)
invalid argument: cannot make domains.MerkleRootsResponse; type must be slice, map, or channel
Analyze (go)
merkleroots.Content undefined (type *domains.MerkleRootsESKPagedResponse has no field or method Content)
Analyze (go)
unknown field OrderByField in struct literal of type domains.ExclusiveStartKeyPage[int]
Analyze (go)
unknown field SortDirection in struct literal of type domains.ExclusiveStartKeyPage[int]
Analyze (go)
unknown field TotalElements in struct literal of type domains.ExclusiveStartKeyPage[int]
Analyze (go)
unknown field Size in struct literal of type domains.ExclusiveStartKeyPage[int]
Analyze (go)
unknown field LastEvaluatedKey in struct literal of type domains.ExclusiveStartKeyPage[int]
Analyze (go)
merkleRootsESKPagedResponse.Content undefined (type *domains.MerkleRootsESKPagedResponse has no field or method Content)
Analyze (go)
merkleRootsESKPagedResponse.Content undefined (type *domains.MerkleRootsESKPagedResponse has no field or method Content)
Analyze (go)
1 issue was detected with this workflow: git checkout HEAD^2 is no longer necessary. Please remove this step as Code Scanning recommends analyzing the merge commit for best results.
Analyze (go)
Failed to restore: "/usr/bin/tar" failed with error: The process '/usr/bin/tar' failed with exit code 2