End project for CG1111A by Team 3, Section 6 of Studio 2 (AY22/23 Sem 1)
We built a robot that coordinates various robotic modules to navigate a pre-determined maze.
Our mBot "xiao Yan ming" has the following functions:
- Automatic path correction using IR and Ultrasonic sensor
- Line sensor and colour sensor to detect instructions for navigating the maze
- Speaker module to play victory tune on completion of maze
- Arduino code contains motor functions and colour identification algorithm
- Speaker module to play victory tune on completion of maze
CG1111A Report.pdf > written report summarising project details in PDF
yanming.1.ino > arduino code for "xiao Yan ming"
Our team wishes to express gratitude towards our gracious TA Yan Ming, thus naming our robot after him
Thank you Yan Ming!