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Brian Lehnen edited this page Feb 26, 2016 · 2 revisions

Redis Poison Messages

By default, the Redis transport stores poison messages inside another redis table. This is not ideal, as this consumes resources. However, the default transport has no other realistic options. You can override this behavior and move the bad messges to another storage system for analysis.

  • Create a new class to handle poison messages

Here is a basic, working example. It will take poison messages and write them to the file system, and then remove the message from Redis.

public class MoveMessageToFileSystem : IReceivePoisonMessage
	//root folder to save bad messages
	private const string _fileLocation = @"c:\Redis-Bad-Messages";
	//the command that removes the message
	private readonly ICommandHandlerWithOutput<DeleteMessageCommand, bool> _commandDeleteRecord;
	/// <summary>
	/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MoveMessageToFileSystem"/> class.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="commandDeleteRecord">The command that deletes records from redis</param>
	public MoveMessageToFileSystem(ICommandHandlerWithOutput<DeleteMessageCommand, bool> commandDeleteRecord)
	 _commandDeleteRecord = commandDeleteRecord;

	public void Handle(IMessageContext context, PoisonMessageException exception)
		//obtain the message information from the exception
		var messageID = exception.MessageId; //should never be null
		var correlationID = exception.CorrelationId; //could be null
		var messageData = exception.MessagePayload; //could be null
		var headerData = exception.HeaderPayload; //could be null

		//NOTE - may want to verify that the message has an ID, though it should never get this far without one
		var id = messageID.Id.Value.ToString();
		var messageFolder = Path.Combine(_fileLocation, id);

    		HandleMessageData(messageFolder, id, correlationID, headerData, messageData);
    		//log error here or handle it

		//delete posion message - don't leave it in the queue, even if saving it failed.  
        //You could leave it if you
		//belive the error above to be transient - i.e. no disk space, etc...
    	var result = _commandDeleteRecord.Handle(new DeleteMessageCommand(new RedisQueueId(id)));
    		//log failure, retry, etc...

    private void HandleMessageData(string folderLocation, string messageID, ICorrelationId correlationID, byte[] headers, byte[] message)
     	//write all data to folder
        File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(folderLocation, "ID"), messageID);
        if (correlationID.HasValue)
        	var id = correlationID.Id.Value.ToString();
        	File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(folderLocation, "CorrelationID"), id);

        if (message != null)
        	File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(folderLocation, "Message"), message);

        if (headers != null)
         	File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(folderLocation, "Headers"), headers);
  • Inject your new class into the queue container and replace the default implementation

You replace default implemenations of the interfaces as part of the queue container. Here is how you would inject the new class above. The 'registerService' delegate lets you inject overrides or your own classes into the internal IoC container of the queue. You do need to be careful to specify the correct lifetime. This can be found by looking at the base queue or transport init module. Most 'services' are singletons, in that a single instance handles multiple requests.

var queueName = "example";
var connectionString = "";
using (var queueContainer = new QueueContainer<RedisQueueInit>(registerService => 
      registerService.Register<IReceivePoisonMessage, MoveMessageToFileSystem>(LifeStyles.Singleton)))
	using (var queue = queueContainer.CreateConsumer(queueName, connectionString))
        Console.WriteLine("Processing messages - press any key to stop");
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