In Android M, the permissions should be requested in code, so I build this project to make this process easier
- Download and use the code, strings are defined in simplified Chinese and English
- with maven:
- with gradle
compile 'com.blen.permission:permission:0.0.2'
public xxx extends PermissionActivity ...{
public void xxx(...){
//here you would check the permissions
checkAndRequestPermission(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.xx,...},
new onRequestPermissionsCallback(){
public void success(){
//if the application has or successfully get the permissions
public void fail(){
//1.if the permission was refused, before fail() exucute
// there'll show a dialog to lead users to setting page
//2.if cancelled or was refused, what would you do?
- Firstly,if your Activity need check and request permissions,the activity should extends
then you can use the function
checkAndRequestPermission(Activity context, String[] permision, onRequestPermissionsCallback back)
to check and request permissions. PermissionActivity
is a direct subclass ofAppCompatActivity
so don't worry the theextends
operation would influence your activity or your projectcheckAndRequestPermission(Activity context, String[] permision, onRequestPermissionsCallback back)
need an Activity context,
is an array of the permissions in form
is an interface,you should implements to functions, one issuccess()
and the other one isfail()
. I suppose you know the meaning.- if the request was delied ,there'll show a dialog to lead users to setting page.