Instructions are in Albanian language, please find English below
Udhëzimet për insertimin e tekstit në gjuhën Shqipe në Mozilla Common Voice
- Nuk lejohet perdorimi i emrave origjinal të personave, gjithmonë duhet të ndërrohet emri origjinal në emër tjetër të rëndomtë
- Nuk lejohen fjalitë me më shumë se 15 fjalë
- Nuk lejohen inicialet, si psh. "I.L." apo "I L", apo "Il"
- Nuk lejohen akronime, psh. "AKP" ose tekste me shkronja të mëdha, psh: "LIROHET nga detyra..."
- Nuk lejohen numrat, psh. "Shkuam 2 herë atje", por duhet të shkruhet "Shkuam dy herë atje"
- Nuk lejohen simbolet si kllapat, etj., si psh. "personi në fjalë (motra)"
- Nuk lejohen fjalë në gjuhët e huaja, vetëm ato shqipe
English Version
Since this is the first Github project for many of the new contributors, we will manage the files manually, until everyone is comfortable with Github.
Always come here when you need to identify the next file to work on. After you have identified the file, leave a comment here with the filename that you have chosen.
Below is the initial list of the files assigned to the first contributors:
Arianit - raw_files/copa_0.txt Besfort - raw_files/copa_1.txt Bleron - raw_files/copa_2.txt Elira - raw_files/copa_3.txt Kushtrim - raw_files/copa_4.txt Lis - raw_files/copa_5.txt Vullnet - raw_files/copa_6.txt
After you finish proof-reading the file, you save the file in the "clean_files" folder, along with your name, for example: "clean_files/copa_0_arianit.txt" . After the file's contents are uploaded to Mozilla Common Voice, then the file should be renamed to "clean_files/copa_0_arianit_uploaded.txt"
As always, any suggestions are welcome.