this is a reddit bot written in rust that will post to /r/fastvoted. it's run on a raspberry pi. is a slack bot that will post trending tech and startup posts from various sources to a slack channel. I wanted a way to see this news feed through another medium (like reddit).
I also wanted a way to test my knowledge of rust, deb, syslog, apis, cross-compilation, and makefiles.
every 15 minutes the bot will hit the website (where it shows a preview of news it would post to a slack channel). it scrapes the data and then posts it to the subreddit.
the rust code is cross compiled using the cross project. cross must be installed. this project uses the nightly toolchain.
# add the `aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu` target (or whatever you're cross compiling too)
$ rustup target add aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
# install cross
$ cargo install cross
# cross compile and generate deb file for linux install
$ make build-release-rpi
# copy the file to the target and install
$ TARGET_SSH_LOGIN="[email protected]"
$ rsync -avr target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debian/fastvoted_reddit_bot_*_arm64.deb "$TARGET_SSH_LOGIN":/tmp
$ ssh "$TARGET_SSH_LOGIN" sudo dpkg -i "/tmp/fastvoted_reddit_bot_*_arm64.deb"
$ ssh "$TARGET_SSH_LOGIN" rm "/tmp/fastvoted_reddit_bot_*_arm64.deb"