Due to complexity of deployment of a live video streaming app, this project works on local machine only.
In each directory Api, Client and Rtmp, run:
npm start
to start each server.
Api: Local api server on port 3001
Rtmp: Local rtmp server on port 8000
Client: User interface on port 3000
1/ Sign in using Google Oauth with your Google Account.
2/ Create a new stream or click on existing stream.
3/ Publish your stream using live streaming app according to https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-media-server?activeTab=readme
For example, using OBS Studio:
Go to Settings -> Stream.
Stream Type : Custom Streaming Server
URL : rtmp://localhost/live
Stream key : This is the Id number of your currently chosen stream. For example, if you are on localhost:3000/streams/1 then its Id is 1.
Enter "1" as stream key.
4/ Click start streaming and your live stream will appear on the current browser tab.