Create and maintain central iceberg schema. Render and validate FHIR data.
Code that generates the base schema from FHIR goes here. Additional tools are provided to lints, validates and visualize the schema.
Note: The actual schemas are stored in iceberg
pip install iceberg-tools
$ iceberg schema
Usage: iceberg schema [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Manage bmeg or gen3 schemas from FHIR resources.
--help Show this message and exit.
generate Generate from FHIR resources.
compile Create aggregated json file from individual yaml schemas
$ iceberg data
Usage: iceberg data [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Project data (ResearchStudy, ResearchSubjects, Patient, etc.).
--help Show this message and exit.
simplify Renders PFB friendly flattened records.
validate Check FHIR data for validity and conventions.
validate-simplified Check simplified data for validity and conventions.
pfb Write simplified FHIR files to a PFB.
migrate Migrate from FHIR R4B to R5.0.
report Aggregate avro pfb files into a cytoscape tsv.
are synonymous in this context.
The commands:
pfb_fhir schema generate simplified
pfb_fhir data simplify --schema_path iceberg/schemas/simplified/simplified-fhir.json tests/fixtures/simplify/study/ tmp/simplified
pfb_fhir data pfb tmp/simplified/ tmp/study.pfb
tree tmp
Will generate the following output:
INFO:'Records with relationships': 59413
INFO:'Records': 59460
├── simplified
│ ├── Condition.ndjson
│ ├── DocumentReference.ndjson
│ ├── Encounter.ndjson
│ ├── MedicationAdministration.ndjson
│ ├── Observation.ndjson
│ ├── Patient.ndjson
│ ├── ResearchStudy.ndjson
│ ├── ResearchSubject.ndjson
│ ├── Specimen.ndjson
│ └── Task.ndjson
└── study.pfb
See for developer notes.