Max Patch developed by Barbara Nerness and Anika Fuloria at CCRMA, Stanford, 2019-2020. Arduino file modified to send data to the Max Patch; originally from the Pulsesensor library
Here are the steps you will need to take to run the Stethophone:
(1) Connect the pulse sensor, stethoscope, Arduino, and computer.
(2) Download the Arduino file and make sure that the correct port is used (Tools > Port). Upload the code onto the Arduino and close the Arduino editor.
(3) Download the Max MSP file. Replace the “j” in “port j” with the port number/letter used by the Arduino. To find out this number/letter, click on the “print” message and open the Inspector.
(4) Click the trigger to start the Stethophone and turn on the audio.
(5) Put the stethoscope over the heart to amplify the heartbeat. Put the pulse sensor on the finger.