Releases: bobosch/ods_osm
Releases · bobosch/ods_osm
OSM 4.2.2
What's Changed
- [TASK] Use Connection instead of PDO by @ErHaWeb in #159
- [TASK] Use Connection instead of PDO by @ErHaWeb in #160
- [TASK] Normalize composer.json by @simonschaufi in #161
- [TASK] Code cleanup by @simonschaufi in #162
- [TASK] Use cast for up to 6x higher speed by @simonschaufi in #167
- [BUGFIX] Use extension name instead of extension key by @simonschaufi in #168
- [TASK] Improve formatting of TypoScript by @simonschaufi in #169
- [TASK] Delete MapSurfer.Net by @simonschaufi in #165
- [TASK] Update License URLs by @simonschaufi in #163
- [TASK] Apply TYPO3 Rector rule SimplifyCheckboxItemsTCARector by @simonschaufi in #172
- [TASK] Delete Yahoo Maps by @simonschaufi in #164
- [TASK] Apply Rector rule AddVoidReturnTypeWhereNoReturnRector by @simonschaufi in #173
- [TASK] Apply Rector rule SimplifyBoolIdenticalTrueRector by @simonschaufi in #176
- [TASK] Apply Rector rule VarToPublicPropertyRector by @simonschaufi in #175
- [TASK] Apply Rector rule ShortenElseIfRector by @simonschaufi in #174
- [TASK] Apply Rector rule set SetList::EARLY_RETURN by @simonschaufi in #177
- [BUGFIX] Fix access to array entry city by @sypets in #179
- [BUGFIX] Fix 180: Do not overwrite "address" field with entire address by @albig in #181
- [TASK] Apply Rector rule MigrateFetchAllToFetchAllAssociativeRector by @simonschaufi in #183
- [TASK] Apply Rector rule MigrateFetchToFetchAssociativeRector by @simonschaufi in #184
- [TASK] Use createSchemaManager instead of deprecated getSchemaManager by @simonschaufi in #185
- [BUGFIX] Include geoPHP as Phar into TER package by @albig in #182
- [TASK] Robust checks in TceMain by @sypets in #191
New Contributors
- @ErHaWeb made their first contribution in #159
- @simonschaufi made their first contribution in #161
Full Changelog: v4.1.4...v4.2.2
OSM 4.1.4
OSM 4.1.3
OSM 4.2.1
What's Changed
- Fix #147: do not define variable $logger again by @albig in #148
- Fix custom IMAGE marker by @hannesbochmann in #150
- create calendarize fields only if extension is loaded by @ftrojahn in #151
- Remove unneeded extending of calendarize event model by @albig in #155
Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.2.1
OSM 4.2.0
What's Changed
- Remove support for TYPO3 10.4, support for 12.4 LTS by @albig in #139
- Make geojson properties configurable to show in popup by @albig in #140
- Run typo3-rector and ECS by @albig in #141
- Switch to other fork of geophp because of PHP 8.2 dependancy by @albig in #142
- Update Openlayers to 8.1.0 by @albig in #143
- Fix format of popup of geojson properties with leaflet by @albig in #144
- Fix CSS in Openlayers Popups by @albig in #146
Full Changelog: v4.1.2...v4.2.0
OSM 4.1.2
Maintenance and Bugfix release
- OpenLayers is updated to 7.4.0
- LeafLet is updated to 1.9.4
What's Changed in detail
- Fix cluster marker with leaflet by @albig in #124. Thank you @hannesbochmann for your report in #123.
- Extend TypoScript to get image for popups from fe_users and tt_address records. by @albig in #125
- Update Openlayers to 7.2.2 by @albig in #126
- Enable radius in openlayers cluster feature by @albig in #127
- Update leaflet 1.9.4 by @albig in #128
- Fix exception if extension configuration is not present by @albig in #130. Thank you @linawolf for your contribution in issue #129.
- Update OpenLayers 7.3.0 by @albig in #131
- Fix some hints from phpstan by @albig in #132
- Prepare release 4.1.2 by @albig in #133
- Fix usage of right marker in OpenLayers by @albig in #134
- Fix marker groups on openlayer cluster layer by @albig in #135
- Update Openlayers to 7.4.0 by @albig in #136
Full Changelog: v4.1.1...v4.1.2
OSM 4.1.1
Bugfix release
What's Changed
- Fix exceptions if optional tt_address extension is not installed by @albig in #117
- Update leaflet to version 1.9.3 by @albig in #118
- Add internal_type for TCA configuration of fe_groups and sys_category by @albig in #120
- [BUGFIX] Add flexform manipulation to ensure valid allowed tables. by @albig in #121
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.1.1
ODS OSM 4.1.0
Maintenance Release 4.1.0
This release is a maintenance release with some important updates:
- OpenLayers 2/3 is updated to OpenLayers 7.1.0
- LeafLet is updated to 1.9.1
- Use only one flexform configuration
- Support for map in calendarize detail event view
- Support for PHP 8.1
- Fix some issues
Upgrade Instruction
There is a new upgrade wizard to update existing flexform configuration. You should run it in the backend or via the TYPO3 console.
vendor/bin/typo3cms upgrade:run odsOsmMigrateSettings
What's Changed (Pull Requests)
- Bugfix fix PHP 8 incompaibility by @hannesbochmann in #87
- Fix broken icon URL by @ut in #89
- Bugfix fix PHP 8 incompaibility by @hannesbochmann in #91
- Update OpenLayers and Leaflet by @albig in #94
- Fix absRefPrefix for TYPO3 10 & 11 by @albig in #95
- Fix some issues with PHP 8.1 by @albig in #96
- Fix icon identifer in CE wizard by @sypets in #98
- Cleanup the code with typo3-rector for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8.1 by @albig in #100
- Prepare release 4.1 by @albig in #102
- Fix upgrade wizard identifier by @albig in #103
- Add some checks in upgrade wizard MigrateSettings by @sypets in #106
- Harden the migration settings wizard by @albig in #107
- Fix identifier of MigrateSettings upgrade wizard by @albig in #108
- Fix enable_scrollwheelzoom and enable_dragging setting if unset by @albig in #111
- Overrule flexform settings over TypoScript without empty values by @albig in #112
- Fix initial data import due to removed fields by @albig in #114
- Enhance the documentation by @albig in #115
New Contributors
- @hannesbochmann made their first contribution in #87
- @ut made their first contribution in #89
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.1.0
ODS OSM 4.0.0
Maintenance Release
This is a maintenance release, supporting TYPO3 11.5 LTS now.
What's Changed
- Fix wrong array index. by @albig in #82
- Fix popups for tx_odsosm_vector by @fabianlipp in #85
- Provide V11 Compatibility by @mschwemer in #86
New Contributors
- @fabianlipp made their first contribution in #85
- @mschwemer made their first contribution in #86
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v4.0.0