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DAO Opener

A new Flutter project.

Getting Started

FlutterFlow projects are built to run on the Flutter stable release.

IOS FlutterFlow issue

Polygon SDK Surprises

  • No emulator support
  • Known memory leak, so recommend beefier phones
  • No news is good news. If there isn't a error thrown, keep going. No return codes.

Creating a credential

DAOMembership Schema: JSON-LD Context: ipfs://QmV2B1xLRUZfb2zLUg4xM3tVYJgUg1R9E7jGz6Hf6em2Ui

  • Used in the proof requests JSON schema URL: ipfs://QmeWR5QsDM3vSLLGryYH6shtYzCDYMPsLi3SiXGiuPHAmd
  • Used to import into the issuer ui

Import Credential Schema

  • Navigate to
  • Import Scheme
  • Url to Json Schema
    • DAO Membership Schema URL: ipfs://QmeWR5QsDM3vSLLGryYH6shtYzCDYMPsLi3SiXGiuPHAmd
    • MembershipCredential -> Preview import -> Import (Duplicate error ok)

Build Credential

  • Navigate to (hosted )
  • Select DAOMembership
    • Spot check hash ed3d872056a5dbb516623dce8ddd26d9
  • Issue Credential
  • Direct issue (Selected by default)
  • Paste did for wallet.
    • e.g. did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qGZqUP2LtnCubFS8MCF125qf67Kd8gkyWa4nU2qqu
  • Next Steps
  • DAO name ** Mansplain DAO
  • Is this person part of the DAO
  • 1 (the number)
  • Signature-based (SIG) should be selected by default
  • Credential expiration (Leave alone)

Load credential

  • Navigate to

  • Find the most recent credential with 1 day expiration

    • More Info
  • Verify Issued to identifier is correct from above (did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qGZqUP2LtnCubFS8MCF125qf67Kd8gkyWa4nU2qqu)

  • Navigate using QR code Link

  • On App

  • Navigate to Polygon Screen

  • Tap QR code Scanner Button

  • Scan QR code

    • QR text will appear in the text box
  • Tap Request credential button

Verify Credential

  • Navigate to (broken: )
  • Select Custom from the dropdown box
  • Click Sign In button
  • Circuit ID - Credential Atomic Signature (Default)
  • URl (JSON-LD Context) ipfs://QmV2B1xLRUZfb2zLUg4xM3tVYJgUg1R9E7jGz6Hf6em2Ui
  • Type: MembershipCredential
  • Issuer: *
  • Field: PartOfTheDAO
  • Operator: GT
  • Value: 0
  • To: did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qGZqUP2LtnCubFS8MCF125qf67Kd8gkyWa4nU2qqu

{ "circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2", "id": 1701306738, "query": { "allowedIssuers": [ "*" ], "context": "ipfs://QmV2B1xLRUZfb2zLUg4xM3tVYJgUg1R9E7jGz6Hf6em2Ui", "credentialSubject": { "PartOfTheDAO": { "$gt": 0 } }, "skipClaimRevocationCheck": true, "type": "MembershipCredential" } }

authenticateCredential - I/flutter (27812): { I/flutter (27812): "id": "c478f715-7bf1-4125-9e0b-dd43c3ece378", I/flutter (27812): "typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json", I/flutter (27812): "type": "", I/flutter (27812): "thid": "c478f715-7bf1-4125-9e0b-dd43c3ece378", I/flutter (27812): "body": { I/flutter (27812): "callbackUrl": "", I/flutter (27812): "reason": "test flow", I/flutter (27812): "scope": [ I/flutter (27812): { I/flutter (27812): "id": 10, I/flutter (27812): "circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2", I/flutter (27812): "query": { I/flutter (27812): "allowedIssuers": [ I/flutter (27812): "*" I/flutter (27812): ], I/flutter (27812): "context": "ipfs://QmV2B1xLRUZfb2zLUg4xM3tVYJgUg1R9E7jGz6Hf6em2Ui", I/flutter (27812): "credentialSubject": { I/flutter (27812): "PartOfTheDAO": { I/flutter (27812): "$gt": 0 I/flutter (27812): } I/flutter (27812): }, I/flutter (27812): "skipClaimRevocationCheck": true, I/flutter (27812): "type": "MembershipCredential" I/flutter (27812): } I/flutter (27812): } I/flutter (27812): ] I/flutter (27812): }, I/flutter (27812): "from": "did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qLhNLVmoQS7pQtpMeKHDqkTcENBZUj1nkZiRNPGgV", I/flutter (27812): "to": "did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qGZqUP2LtnCubFS8MCF125qf67Kd8gkyWa4nU2qqu" I/flutter (27812): }

Other Notes:

  • Really need to have approved sets of tools that are known compatible. Solution kits. GCP lagging a month is a dealbreaker when things are moving fast.
  • URL Schema vs LD Schema consistency across apps with error checking is a must.

FlutterFlow Sync problems

  • IOS losing config settings and requiringn workaround
  • ImageNotification Signing Settings - select team from Xcode
  • Build Phases reorder to avoid bug (Anything with Embed has to go before copy scripts)
  • All the Firebase functions since their functions were too restrictive to use.

Passkit Generator - Firebase example

Building App

  • flutter pub get

Building Firebase Functions

  • cd functions
  • npm install
  • firebase deploy --only functions