Implement method getSalaryInfo(String[] names, String[] data, String dateFrom, String dateTo)
It should calculate the salary for employees. As input, you receive two arrays and two dates in String format.
- Date represents limits that you should meet while calculating salary for employees (inclusively).
- The first array (
) contains the names of employees you should calculate salary for. - The second array (
) contains info about their working hour during the particular day and income per hour.
The method should return info in the following format:
Report for period #date_1# - #date_2#
#Name of employee# - #money earned#
Here is a sample of input data. Dates format:
date from = `01.04.2019 `
date to = `30.04.2019`
26.04.2019 John 4 50
05.04.2019 Andrew 3 200
10.04.2019 John 7 100
22.04.2019 Kate 9 100
25.06.2019 John 11 50
26.04.2019 Andrew 3 150
13.02.2019 John 7 100
26.04.2019 Kate 9 100
Method execution result:
Report for period 01.04.2019 - 30.04.2019
John - 900
Andrew - 1050
Kate - 1800