Workshop documentation on building your own nodeMCU based weatherstation
- DHT pin 1 to 3,3V
- DHT pin 2 to D4
- DHT pin 4 to GND
- Resistor to 3,3V and DHT pin 2
- Install the IDE software and launch the IDE and allow firewall access
- File > Preferences, check the “Display line numbers option“
- Add the URL to the “Addition Boards Manager URLs” field and press the “Ok” button
When Connectivity to the board does not work:
- Install the CP210x USB to UART driver and make sure you reboot your machine afterward (I suffered strange behaviors using the driver without rebooting)
- After rebooting open the Arduino IDE and select the proper board from Tools->Board->Board ”nodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)”
- Load the example sketch “Blink” into the Arduino IDE from File->Examples->01 Basics->Blink
- Load the example sketch “DHTtester” into the Arduino IDE from File->Examples->DHT sensor library->DHTtester
- Try compiling it by pressing the Verify button
- When ok:
- Connect the nodeMCU with the USB cable
- Via Tools -> Port, check if the correct COMxx port is selected
- Upload the sketch by pressing the Upload button:
- Wait till the sketch is compiled and uploaded
- Open the monitor Tools->Serial Monitor
- Message with the temperature and humidty should appear within the monitor
- Load the example sketch “AdvancedWebServer” into the Arduino IDE from File->Examples->ESP8266WebServer
- Find the line with the *ssid and change it to the ssid given to you in the workshop
- Find the line with the *password and change it to password given to you in the workshop
- Try compiling it by pressing the Verify button
- When ok:
- Connect the nodeMCU with the USB cable
- Via Tools -> Port, check if the correct COMxx port is selected
- Upload the sketch by pressing the Upload button
- Wait till the sketch is compiled and uploaded
- Open the monitor
- A message should be displayed with “IP address:”
- Now connect your laptop or mobile phone to the same network as the nodeMCU is connected to
- Open the page, you should be able to see ESP8266 message and a graph
Advanced Extra: combine the webserver and DHT sensor sketch to display the temperature and humidity from your laptop or mobile phone
- Open both the sketches “AdvancedWebServer” and “DHTtester” and find a way to combine the necessary code from DHTtester into the AdvancedWebServer examples.
- Do not forget to save it under a new name like “my_weatherstation”
- Load the example sketch, provided to your during the workshop, “iot_innovatos_weerstation” into the Arduino IDE
- Find the line with the *ssid and change it to the ssid given to you in the workshop
- Find the line with the *password and change it to password given to you in the workshop
- Try compiling it by pressing the Verify button:
- When ok:
- Connect the nodeMCU with the USB cable
- Via Tools -> Port, check if the correct COMxx port is selected
- Upload the sketch by pressing the Upload button
- Wait till the sketch is compiled and uploaded
- Open the monitor
- A message should be displayed with “IP address:”
- Now connect your laptop or mobile phone to the same network as the nodeMCU is connected to
- Open the page, you should be able to see the weatherstation temperature and humidty