My Simplify 3D Profiles for Prusa MK2(s)/MK3
These started with the default profile in S3D and I made changes for Linear advance and for speeds so far. I plan to keep these up to date as I continue to make changes to the profiles. I expect I will need to add a new profile for some filaments as I don't know of another way to alter K values for filament types, as will be needed.
By no means am I claiming this is the best profile to use for S3D with these printers (or even a good one). I am just storing them on github so other's may make use of them if they like. If you find settings that work better and wish to submit a pull request with the changes I would welcome that!
Note: MK2 users should avoid using the Temperature Calibration feature for the PINDA probe. Instead use the new profiles, sbumitted by mariusstrom which use version of this built into the gcode.
I also use this bed model for both printers, until a proper MK3 model can be found: