- ender3 custom direct drive with BIGTREETECH SKR Mini E3 V2.x
- Klipper backup script for manual or automated GitHub backups
main printer.cfg configuration file is at printer_data/config/printer.cfg
macros macros.cfg file is at printer_data/config/macros.cfg
- Mainboard: BIGTREETECH SKR Mini E3 V2.0
- Stepper Drivers: TMC2209
- Probing System: BLTouch
- Filament Runout Sensor: Configured
- Cooling Fans: Heatbreak cooling fan and general cooling fan
- Heated Bed: Configured with PID control
The stepper motors for the X, Y, Z axes and the extruder are controlled by TMC2209 drivers, using UART communication. The microsteps are set to 16, with specified rotation distances for accurate movement control.
Heated Bed: Controlled using a PID loop with specific Kp, Ki, and Kd values. Cooling Fans: Configured for heatbreak cooling and general fan.
The BLTouch is set up with an offset from the nozzle and configured for safe homing and bed mesh leveling.
Mesh leveling is configured with a 5x5 grid for accurate bed leveling using a BLTouch sensor.
- Filament Runout Sensor: Pauses the print on filament runout and includes custom
for handling the event. - Input Shaper: Configured with specific shaper types and frequencies for the X and Y axes to reduce vibrations.
- Virtual SDCard: Allows for G-code storage and retrieval from Klipper's virtual SD card.
- External Configuration Files: Additional configurations and macros included via external files.
This repository provides a collection of G-Code macros for use with Klipper firmware. These macros can be copied into your printer.cfg
file and customized as needed. Below is a summary of the key macros provided in this collection. Currently work in progress as just needed to get working