MediaWiki extension that automatically builds a sitemap.xml file every time a page is created, edited or deleted. A sitemap file helps search engines to observe and focus on a web sites page content. This along with a robots.txt helps to direct what you want and don't want search engines to index.
This extension has releases that go back to REL1_20. It may work on old versions as well. If a new version of Mediawiki comes out before a release is cut on this repo; use master or that latest released version.
Download the matching release
cd /path/to/mediawiki/extensions
git clone --branch REL1_28
Set Ownership of extension directory as needed
- ``chown -R apache:apache /path/to/mediawiki/extensions/AutoSitemap```
- OR
- ``chown -R nginx:nginx /path/to/mediawiki/extensions/AutoSitemap```
Add extension load statement to the Mediawiki configuration LocalSettings.php.
wfLoadExtension( 'AutoSitemap' );
Or the old method with work for awhile
require_once "{$IP}/extensions/AutoSitemap/AutoSitemap.php";
These are all optional configurations. If they are not set the default values will kick in. All of these options are syntax added to the Mediawiki configuration LocalSettings.php after the wfLoadExtension( 'AutoSitmap' );.
You can set the filename of sitemap by setting: (Default = "sitemap.xml")
$wgAutoSitemap["filename"] = "sitemap.xml";
By default all URLs generated for the sitemap file use the $wgCanonicalServer or $wgServer variables as the domain prefix for your page links. The extension will set the $wgAutoSitemap["server"] to your value if exists in LocalSettings.php. If the value is not set in the LocalSettings.php then it will use the value is of $wgCanonicalServer. If $wgCanonicalServer is not found it will set the value to $wgServer.
If you want all of your page links to be prefixed with a different URL then use the following parameter:
$wgAutoSitemap["server"] = "";
You can notify web sites you want about the update of sitemap. Just write all notify urls as array:
$wgAutoSitemap["notify"] = [
The two above search engines are currently the defaults (Google and Bing). With the URL replaced with the resulting value of $wgAutoSitemap["server"]. So, if all you require is Google and Bing notifications; then there is no need to change/overwrite this value.
Sometimes web server host provider does not allow the fopen command to call urls allow_url_fopen=false in the php.ini configuration. If you can't or don't want to use notification, set this setting to empty array.
$wgAutoSitemap["notify"] = [ ];
You can exclude namespaces or exact pages from including them to sitemap:
$wgAutoSitemap["exclude_namespaces"] = [
]; //default values
$wgAutoSitemap["exclude_pages"] = ['page title to exclude', 'other one'];
You can manually specify the frequency with which all addresses will be checked by search engine:
$wgAutoSitemap["freq"] = "daily"; //default
Available values are:
adjust - for automatic determination of frequency based on page edits count
Your MediaWiki folder should be permitted for write operations (chmod +w).
If you want to see a human-readable sitemap, allow read access for sitemap.xsl file in your site config.
- To trigger the extension to generate for the first time or re-generate the sitemap.xml file simply make a small change on a page such as adding a space or carriage return and save changes from your wiki.
- Remove all Optional parameters and see if problem solved.
- Temporarily enable Debug options in the LocalSettings.php including writing to log. Then reproduce the issue. Finally search log or read displayed error messages for clues.
// Debug $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; $wgShowSQLErrors = true; $wgDebugDumpSql = true; $wgShowDBErrorBacktrace = true; $wgDebugLogFile = "/var/log/mediawiki.log";
- For Nginx 1.x and php-fpm 7.0 on Linux; review their logs
less /var/log/php-fpm/7.0/www-error.log
less /var/log/nginx/error.log
less /var/log/nginx/access.log