implementation of state-of-the-art subgraph matching algorithms (including BoostISO)
Li Zeng, Yan Jiang, Weixin Lu, Lei Zou. Deep Analysis on Subgraph Isomorphism. arXiv 2020.
Seven subgraph matching algorithms: QuickSI, GraphQL, TurboISO, CFL-Match, VF3, CECI, DAF.
Each algorithm also has a boosted version, which is enhanced by techniques of BoostISO.
Li Zeng @bookug
- Implement TurboISO, CECI, DAF.
- Fix and optimize QuickSI and GraphQL.
- Implement all boosted versions except for CFL-Match and VF3.
Yan Jiang @jy5275
- Implement CFL-Match and VF3, as well as their boosted versions.
- Performance tools, debugging, testing, running scripts, etc.
Weixin Lu @aceansgar
- Implement QuickSI and GraphQL.
- Tools of graph benchmark (e.g., query generation, power-law graph detection, etc).