CodeMirror(6) component for Vue(3).
v5/v6 has been released. This is a new version based on CodeMirror@6 and is available to Vue3 only. Since CodeMirror@6 is developed with native ES Modules, the new version will no longer support direct browser references to UMD modules. In short, the new version is
This example site contains most of what you want.
- examples (Vue2)
- [email protected] (Vue2 / CodeMirror5)
- CodeMirror6 Guide
- CodeMirror6 APIs
- CodeMirror6 Examples
- CodeMirror6 Example: Writing a Language Package
- CodeMirror6 Example: Styling
- CodeMirror Forum
yarn add codemirror vue-codemirror
npm install codemirror vue-codemirror --save
# CodeMirror languages...
yarn add @codemirror/lang-html
yarn add @codemirror/lang-json
yarn add @codemirror/lang-javascript
# CodeMirror themes...
yarn add @codemirror/theme-one-dark
# more CodeMirror packages...
If you need import API/interface from codemirror, you need to make codemirror explicitly dependent in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"@codemirror/state": "6.x"
import { EditorState } from '@codemirror/state'
placeholder="Code goes here..."
:style="{ height: '400px' }"
@change="log('change', $event)"
@focus="log('focus', $event)"
@blur="log('blur', $event)"
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { Codemirror } from 'vue-codemirror'
import { javascript } from '@codemirror/lang-javascript'
import { oneDark } from '@codemirror/theme-one-dark'
export default defineComponent({
components: {
setup() {
const code = ref(`console.log('Hello, world!')`)
const extensions = [javascript(), oneDark]
// Codemirror EditorView instance ref
const view = shallowRef()
const handleReady = (payload) => {
view.value = payload.view
// Status is available at all times via Codemirror EditorView
const getCodemirrorStates = () => {
const state = view.value.state
const ranges = state.selection.ranges
const selected = ranges.reduce((r, range) => r + - range.from, 0)
const cursor = ranges[0].anchor
const length = state.doc.length
const lines = state.doc.lines
// more state info ...
// return ...
return {
log: console.log
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { basicSetup } from 'codemirror'
import VueCodemirror from 'vue-codemirror'
const app = createApp()
app.use(VueCodemirror, {
// optional default global options
autofocus: true,
disabled: false,
indentWithTab: true,
tabSize: 2,
placeholder: 'Code goes here...',
extensions: [basicSetup]
// ...
prop | description | type | default |
modelValue | The input values accepted by the component also support two-way binding. | String |
'' |
autofocus | Focus editor immediately after mounted. | Boolean |
false |
disabled | Disable input behavior and disable change state. | Boolean |
false |
indentWithTab | Bind keyboard Tab key event. | Boolean |
true |
tabSize | Specify the indent when the Tab key is pressed. | Number |
2 |
placeholder | Display when empty. | String |
'' |
style | The CSS style object that acts on the CodeMirror itself. | Object |
{} |
phrases | Codemirror internationalization phrases. | Object |
{} |
autoDestroy | Auto destroy the CodeMirror instance before the component unmount. | Boolean |
true |
extensions | Passed to CodeMirror EditorState.create({ extensions }) |
Extension |
[] |
selection | Passed to CodeMirror EditorState.create({ selection }) |
EditorSelection |
- |
root | Passed to CodeMirror new EditorView({ root }) |
ShadowRoot | Document |
- |
event | description | params |
update:modelValue |
Only when the CodeMirror content (doc) has changed. | (value: string, viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) |
change | ditto | ditto |
update | When any state of CodeMirror changes. | (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) |
focus | When CodeMirror focused. | (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) |
blur | When CodeMirror blurred. | (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate) |
ready | When edirot component mounted. | (payload: { view: EditorView; state: EditorState; container: HTMLDivElement }) |
The basic-setup extension is integrated by default in the vue-codemirror configuration and is intended as a handy helper to quickly set up CodeMirror without having to install and import a lot of standalone packages. If you want to override the default behavior of the config, just pass the empty array when installing the component globally.
app.use(VueCodemirror, {
// keep the global default extensions empty
extensions: []
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
Licensed under the MIT License.