This repo contains my implementations of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms I used in research:
- DQN (by Deepmind)
- QR-DQN (by Deepmind)
- DLTV (mine)
- DQN-decor (mine)
I tried to make the code concise.
Other features:
- Experience is collected in a separate thread which gives a slight improvement in runtime.
- Training reward is logged using tensorboard
- Hyperparameters (with some exceptions - see the Configs) are taken from Rainbow
- setup virtualenv (or conda):
virtualenv -p python3 p3
source p3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- train agent (see the empirical results in the papers):
- Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning (original DQN)
python dqn/
- Distributional Reinforcement Learning With Quantile Regression
python qr-dqn/
- Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Exploration
python dltv/
- Deep reinforcement learning with decorrelation
python dqn-decor/
- check training reward in tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/tf_logs