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C++ Primer Ch9
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### Chapter 9 Sequential Containers

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!!! abstract

- `vector`
- random access
- fast insert/delete at the end
- `deque`
- random access
- fast insert/delete at front or back
- `list`: doubly linked list
- fast insert and delete at any point in the sequence
- bidirectional sequential access
- substantial memory overhead
- `forward_list`: singly linked list
- fast insert and delete at any point in the sequence
- sequential access in one direction
- **no `size` operation**
- substantial memory overhead
- `array`: fixed-size
- cannot remove elements
- `string`: similar to `vector`

Each container is defined in a header file with the same name as the type.
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#### Container Operations

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!!! note "Contatiner Operations"

- Type Aliases: useful in generic programming
- `iterator`
- `const_iterator`
- `size_type`
- `difference_type`
- `value_type`
- `reference`
- `const_reference`
- construction
- `C c;`
- `C c1(c2);`
- `C c(b, e);`
- `C c{a, b, c};`
- assignment and `swap`
- `c1 = c2`
- `a.swap(b)`
- `swap(a, b)`
- Add/Remove Elements
- `c.insert(args)`
- `c.emplace(inits)`
- `c.erase(args)`
- `c.clear()`
- Equality and Relational Operators
- `==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`
- Obtain Iterators
- `c.begin()`, `c.end()`
- `c.cbegin()`, `c.cend()`
- Additional Members of Reversible Containers
- `reverse_iterator`
- `const_reverse_iterator`
- `c.rbegin(), c.rend()`
- `c.crbegin(), c.crend()`

!!! warning "Iterator Ranges"

An iterator range is denoted by a pair of iterators each of which refers to **an element, or to one past the last element, in the same container**.

This element range is called a **left-inclusive** interval. The standard mathematical notation for such a range is

[begin, end)

Three convient properties:

- If `begin` equals `end`, the range is empty
- If `begin` is not equal to `end`, there is at least one element in the range, and `begin` refers to the first element in that range
- We can increment `begin` some number of times until `begin == end`

while (begin != end) {
*begin = val; // ok: range isn’t empty so begindenotes an element
++begin; // advance the iterator to get the next element
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Initializing a Container as a Copy of Another Container:

- To create a container as a copy of another container, the **container and element types must match**.
- When we pass iterators, there is no requirement that the container types be identical. as long as it is **possible to convert**.
- As usual, the iterators mark the first and **one past the last element to be copied**

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!!! warning "the size of a library `array` is part of its type."
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Library `array` is:

- Default initialized
- If there are fewer initializers than the size of the array, any remaining elements are value initialized.

Although we cannot **copy or assign objects** of built-in array types, there is no such restriction on `array`.

##### Assign

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!!! abstract

sqe.assign(b, e);
seq.assign(n, t);

!!! warning "Assignment related operations **invalidate iterators, references, and pointers** into the left-hand container. Aside from `string` they remain **valid after a `swap`**,and (excepting arrays) the containers to which they refer are swapped."
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- **assignment operator** requires that the left-hand and right-hand operands have the same type. It copies all the elements from the right-hand operand into the lefthand operand.
- `assign` lets us assign from a different but compatible type, or assign from a subsequence of a container. replaces all the elements in the left-hand container with (copies of) the elements specified by its arguments.

list<string> names;
vector<const char*> oldstyle;
names = oldstyle; // error: container types don’t match
// ok: can convert from constchar*to string
names.assign(oldstyle.cbegin(), oldstyle.cend());

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!!! warning "Because the existing elements are replaced, the iterators passed to assign must not refer to the container on which assign is called."
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##### Swap

The `swap` operation exchanges the contents of two containers of the same type. After the call to `swap`, the elements in the two containers are interchanged.

Excepting array, swapping two containers is guaranteed to be fast— the elements themselves are not swapped; internal data structures are swapped. guaranteed to run in constant time.

with the exception of `string`, iterators, references, and pointers into the containers are not invalidated. They refer to **the same elements as they did before the swap**. However, after the swap, those elements are in a different container.

##### Relational Operators

Comparing two containers performs a **pairwise comparison of the elements**. These operators work similarly to the string relationals

Relational Operators Use **Their Element’s Relational Operator**. We can use a relational operator to compare two containers only if the appropriate comparison operator is defined for the element type.\

#### Sequential Container Operations

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!!! danger "Container Operations May Invalidate Iterators"

Refer to book.
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##### Add

- `push_back`, `emplace_back`
- aside from `array` and `forward_list`
- `push_front`, `emplace_front`
- not valid for `vector`, `array` or `string`

Specified Point:

c.insert(p, t);
c.emplace(p, args);
c.insert(p, n, t);
c.insert(p, b, e);
c.insert(p, il);
// all insert before p
// return iterator to first element inserted

Note it returns an iterator to the first element inserted. Try to understand this:

list<string> lst;
auto iter = lst.begin();
while (cin >> word)
iter = lst.insert(iter, word); // same as calling push_front

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!!! warning "Adding elements to a `vector`, `string`,or `deque` potentially invalidates all existing iterators, references, and pointers into the container."
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##### Access

- `front`, `back` return reference to elements
- `c[n]`, `` return reference to elements
- `at` **throws `out_of_range` exception**
- `c[n]` is undefined if `n >= c.size()`

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!!! warning "Don't call `front` or `back` on an empty container."
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##### Erase

- `pop_back()`
- not valid for `forward_list`
- `pop_front()`
- not valid for `vector`, `array` or `string`

c.earse(b, e);
// returns an iterator to the element after the one deleted or the off-the-end iterator if p denotes the last element.

Removing elements **anywhere but the beginning or end of** a `deque` invalidates all iterators, references, and pointers. Iterators, references, and pointers to elements **after the erasure point** in a `vector` or `string` are invalidated.

##### Resize

c.resize(n, t);

If resize shrinks the container, then iterators, references, and pointers to the deleted elements are invalidated.

#### `forward_list`

lst.insert_after(p, t);
lst.insert_after(p, n, t);
lst.insert_after(p, b, e);
lst.insert_after(p, il);
emplace_after(p, args);
lst.erase_after(p); // Returns an iterator to the element after the one deleted
lst.erase_after(b, e); // from the one after the iterator b up to but not including the one denoted by e
When we add or remove elements in a forward_list, wehaveto keep track of **two iterators**—one to the element we’re **checking** and one to that element’s **predecessor**.
#### `vector` and `string`
part of the implementation leaks into its interface:
- Container Size Management
- `c.shrink_to_fit()`, no guarantee to reduce capacity
- `c.capacity()`
- `c.reserve(n)`, will never shrink
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!!! note "Understand the difference between `size` and `capacity`."
!!! note "Also notice that `resize()` member do not change the capacity of the container, just change number of elements."
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String supports addtional operations:
- Construct:
string s(cp, n);
string s(s2, pos2);
string s(s2, pos2, len2);
- Substr:
string s2 = s.substr(pos, len);
string s3 = s.substr(pos);
In addition to the versions of `insert` and `erase` that take iterators, `string` provides versions that take an **index**. The string library also provides versions of insert and assign that take **Cstyle character arrays**.

The string class defines two additional members, `append` and `replace`,that can change the contents of a string.

- Search:

`args` can be:

- `cp, pos, n`: Look for the first n characters in the array pointed to by the pointer cp. Start looking at position pos in s. No default for pos or n.
- `c, pos`: Look for the character c starting at position pos in s. pos defaults to 0.

If there is **no match**, the function returns a staticmember named `string::npos`.

- `compare` function also has many overloaded versions.
- Numeric Conversions
stoi(s, p, b);
stol(s, p, b);
stoul(s, p, b);
stof(s, p);
stod(s, p);

#### Container Adaptors

Three sequential container adaptors: `stack`, `queue`,and `priority_queue`. A container adaptor takes an existing container type and makes it act like a different type.

stack<int> stk(deq); // copies elements from deq into stk
By default:
- both `stack` and `queue` are implemented in terms of `deque`
- a `priority_queue` is implemented on a `vector`.
// empty stackimplemented on top ofvector
stack<string, vector<string>> str_stk;

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!!! note "`stack`"


!!! note "`queue` and `priority_queue`"

q.back(); // only for queue; // only for priority_queue
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### Chapter 10 Generic Algorithms


### Chapter 11 Associative Containers


### Chapter 12 Dynamic Memory

## Part III: Tools for Class Authors
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