I'm Younghun Jeong, an AI Research Engineer at NAVER Corporation β¨
- Generative AI, Retrieval-Augmented Generation
- Recuding potential harm from AI systems
- Analyzing how human biases influence dataset creation
- Younghun Jeong, Juhyun Oh, Jaimeen Ahn, Jongwon Lee, Jihyung Moo*, Sungjoon Park, Alice Oh. KOLD: Korean Offensive Language Dataset. EMNLP 2022
- Sungjoon Park*, Jihyung Moon*, Sungdong Kim*, Won Ik Cho*, Jiyoon Han, Jangwon Park, Chisung Song et al. KLUE: Korean Language Understanding Evaluation. NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks
- Won Ik Cho, Soomin Kim, Eujeong Choi, Younghoon Jeong. Assessing How Users Display Self-Disclosure and Authenticity in Conversation with Human-Like Agents: A Case Study of Luda Lee. AACL-IJCNLP 2022
- Younghoon Jeong, Sejin Lee, Jungyun Seo. TOM: End-to-End Task- Oriented Multimodal Dialog System with GPT-2. DSTC9@AAAI 2020