A classic game to settle out disputes or cure for extreme boredom. It is recommended that you actually do not play this game via an API. Instead find a friend or go out an grab any stranger to play with.
You can play with "hand" or change mode/reset score with "mode" through a POST request. In advanced mode you can additionaly play with SPOCK and LIZARD hands.
{"hand": "ROCK/PAPER/SCISSORS etc."}
$ curl -X POST localhost:4567/game -d '{"hand": "paper"}'
$ curl -X POST localhost:4567/game -d '{"mode": "advanced"}'
You can also get the score with a plain GET request.
In case you do know the rules here is what beats what.
{ "scissors": ("paper","lizard"),
"paper": ("rock", "spock"),
"rock" : ("lizard", "scissors),
"lizard": ("spock", "paper"),
"spock": ("scissors", "rock")