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Brendon W. Smith


This repo contains the source code for my personal website.


The site is built with Astro. It was initially generated from the Astro Portfolio theme with pnpm (pnpm create astro@latest -- --template portfolio). Note that a node_modules folder will still be created even if using pnpm. This is expected behavior - pnpm will link the contents of the folder to its content-addressable store.

Commands in package.json can be run from a terminal at the root of the project. Commands include:

Command Action
pnpm install Install dependencies
pnpm run dev Start local dev server at localhost:4321 (use --port to change default port)
pnpm run build Build production site to ./dist/
pnpm run preview Preview build locally before deploying
pnpm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
pnpm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI

Media assets and other large files are stored with Git LFS.



Content in this repository authored by Brendon Smith is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Why?