BAT back-end servers (ledger, eyeshade, and balance)
It is important to configure your .env
file before attemptiing to bring up the services . See Prepare .env file
First, install docker and docker compose.
Check out
You can add any environment variables that need to be set by creating a .env
file at the top of the repo. Docker compose will automatically load from this
file when launching services.
# To bring up all the services :
docker-compose up
# Logs from all services presented interleaved, you can press ctrl-c to stop.
# Ledger listens on port 3001, eyeshade on 3002, and balance on 3003
# Note you can run any subset of services (e.g. only eyeshade)
docker-compose up eyeshade-web eyeshade-consumer
# You can also launch and run services in the background
docker-compose up -d eyeshade-web eyeshade-consumer
# And stop running background services with
docker-compose stop
All containers running within the legders docker-compose context are running in the default network named "ledger". If you need to have other docker containers directly access other containers from within the network (i.e. from WITHIN the container itself, not on your local development context), you can configure your application (i.e. publishers) to join the external network "ledger" by adding the following to the network configuration of the appropriate application's docker compose file
external: true
Configuration variables are stored as environment preferences. See config.js
for a list of these variables for ledger, eyeshade, and balance respectively.
For linting we use StandardJS. It's recommended that you install the necessary IDE plugin. Since this repo uses ES7 features, you'll need a global install of both the standard and babel-eslint packages.
Please note: Some tests access live APIs and require auth tokens which are not stored in the repo.
- Copy example over:
cp .env.example .env
. - Confirm .env vars match the contents of
. - Fill in the remaining
.env vars appropriately; please consult your local BAT dev to find the answers.
is executing tests using ava
which can be executed via npm run ava
and the requires args for any individual test can be passed to the command using npm
scripts args syntax. See below:
npm run ava -- -v -s eyeshade/workers/referrals.test.js
Or, if invoking the container externally,
docker-compose run eyeshade-web npm run ava -- -v -s test/eyeshade/suggestions.integration.test.js
See the github issue where this ability was added
npm run docker-build
npm run docker-up
You can run all migrations to upgrade the schema to the latest version using:
npm run docker-migrate-up
You can reverse a particular migration by running:
npm run docker-migrate-down -- migrations/0001_transactions/down.sql
best to do in another terminal
npm run docker-test
If you are testing contributions locally (not with e2e automated tests) you need to add surveyors manually. You can do this by running bellow command when ledger service is running.
curl -X POST --header 'Authorization: Bearer foobarfoobar' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"adFree":{"fee":{"USD":5},"votes":50,"altcurrency":"BAT","probi":"27116311373482831368"}}' ''
docker-compose run --rm -p 9229:9229 eyeshade-web npm run start-eyeshade -- --inspect=
You may have to install node-gyp
if you do not already have it on your machine. Use this document to install: Catalina users may have a longer road.
you may also have to use npm without running the postinstall scripts. use the --ignore-scripts