1. Usage: Emberize::make($model or $collection)
2. Sideload,embed,links
2. (Not Yet)Polymorphic relationships.
3. Public keys(GUID, email, username, etc as id)
4. Change attributes,relationships dynamically(If authorized then include user relationship in json)
1. Add the following to your composer.json "require" array
"breadam/emberize": "dev-master"
2. Add the following to your app/config/app.php "providers" array
3. Update composer
composer update
4. Publish config file
php artisan config:publish breadam/emberize
5. Edit app/config/packages/breadam/emberize/config.php to your needs
-- Database --
table foos(id,public_key,name,bar_id)
table bars(id,bar_specific_public_key,name)
table buses(id,public_key,name,foo_id)
-- Models --
class Foo extends Eloquent{
public function bar(){ return $this->belongsTo("Bar"); }
public function buses(){ return $this->hasMany("Bus"); }
class Bar extends Eloquent{
public function foos(){ return $this->hasMany("Foo"); }
class Bus extends Eloquent{
public function foo(){ return $this->belongsTo("Foo"); }
-- app/config/packages/breadam/emberize/config.php --
return array(
"mode" => null,
"identifier" => array(
"key" => "id",
"value" => "public_key"
"resources" => array(
"foo" => array(
"fields" => array(
"bar" => array(
"identifier" => array(
"value" => "bar_specific_public_key"
"fields" => array(
"bus" => array(
"fields" => array(
-- Basic usage --
Route::get('/', function(){
$foo = Foo::find(1);
return Emberize::make($foo);
-- Update fields. Change will persist until the end of request. --
Route::get('/', function(){
$foo = Foo::find(1);
"foo" => array(
"exclude" => "bar"
return Emberize::make($foo);
-- Update fields. --
Route::get('/', function(){
$foo = Foo::find(1);
"bar" => array(
"exclude" => array("foos")
return Emberize::make($foo,array(
"foo" => array(
"exclude" => array("buses")
return Emberize::make($foo,array(
"foo" => array(
"exclude" => array("name")
"buses" => array(
"exclude" => array("foos")
Set default mode. If "null", Emberize will prepare only primary keys of relationships
value: null,sideload,embed,link
default: null
If set, Emberize will use "key" as the primary key name and "value" attribute as primary key value. If not set, Emberize will use $model->getKeyName() and $model->getKey()
"identifier" => array(
"key" => string,
"value" => string
"identifier" => array(
"key" => $model->getKeyName(),
"value" => $model->getKey()
"resources" => array(
"resource_1" => array(
"identifier" => array( "key" => "...","value" => "..."),
"fields" => array(
"resource_2" => array(...)
// Missing
// Missing
value: A class name implementing "Breadam\Emberize\ResourceNameResolverInterface"
value: "Breadam\Emberize\DefaultResourceNameResolver"
'$fields': will be merged with fields defined in config and with Emberize::fields(...).
'$fields': will be merged with fields defined in config.
"model_name_1" => array(
"include" => array("field_name_1","field_name_2",...)
"exclude" => array("field_name_1","field_name_2",...)
"model_name_2" => array(
"include" => array("field_name_1","field_name_2",...)
"exclude" => array("field_name_1","field_name_2",...)