USAGE Main.py [FASTA] [TOPOLOGY] [SURFACE] [PSI-BLAST] [LOW-COMPLEXITY] [MODE] e.g. Main.py test.fas [test.xml/test.top] test.rsa test.psi test.json sens
FASTA Input file must be in fasta format
TOPOLOGY Topology file in CCTOP XML format see: http://cctop.enzim.ttk.mta.hu/?_=/documents/direct_interface.html
SURFACE Surface accessibility file in netsurfp-1.0 format see: http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/NetSurfP-1.0/
PSI-BLAST Psi-blast result
MODE Sensitive/Specific prediction [sens/spec]
OUTPUT Number Residue Topology DisorderedScore
- Install Keras and TensorFlow: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-install-keras-on-linux