League of Legends Balanced Team Builder.
For Rioters looking to build the dream team.
This application helps you build the perfect team for your game on Summoner's Rift based on your choice of champions. Simply pick the position and champion you'd like to play and see your dream (team) comes true.
Often, when picking a champion within a team, a Rioter simply chooses any champion he wants. For those who are experienced with League of Legends, they strategize on picking the best champion combinations to create a well-balanced team that could increase their chance of winning the match. For those who are less experienced, the blind-pick strategy can sometimes be detrimental.
This application can give both experienced and inexperienced players recommendations for champion selects based on the characters that have been taken or the characters that he wants to play.
"I hope this app will help new Rioters and players who are inexperienced with different champions have a better understanding of the game. " -Brian
Pick the position and champion you'd like to play/have been selected and you will get recommendations for other champions.
"Being a new Rioter myself, this app really helped me understand what champion works well with others. It really helped me explore many other champions based on my favorite champion, which is Teemo" - Satan
This code is based on official data and player experience. Please email me at ... if you'd have a recommendation you'd like to add to the app. Have fun.