There is an introductory blog post at
To use:
- Make sure you build an "uberjar" with a main class in the MANIFEST. See the Maven Shade plugin's documentation for one way of doing this.
- Add this plugin to your build to make the JAR directly executable. All configuration parameters are optional; the defaults should work for many cases.
<!-- (optional) flags to be interpolated into the java invocation -->
<!-- as "java $flags -jar ..." -->
<!-- (optional) input file name: only this specific file will be made executable -->
<!-- (optional) classifier name: only artifacts with this classifier are made executable -->
<!-- (optional) support other packaging formats than jar -->
<!-- (optional) name for a new binary executable, if not set will just
make the original artifact executable -->
<!-- (optional) name for a file that will define what script gets
embedded into the executable jar. This can be used to
override the default startup script which is
exec java " + flags + " -jar "$0" "$@" -->
- Overwrite existing files (@dkfellows)
- use zip-prefixer instead of rebuilding JAR (@klausbrunner)
- improve handling of multi-artifact builds (@klausbrunner)
- add inputFile parameter to select any file (@klausbrunner)
- add basic integration testing (@klausbrunner)
- require JDK 11+ to build (plugin still targets JDK 8)
- support ZIP64 format
- require Java 8, drop support for JDK7
- support packaging other file formats than jars
- require Java 7, change code to use JDK7 APIs
- Support Windows
- Don't suppress errors
- add helpmojo
- allow attachment of executable instead of unconditional replacement
- make extension configurable
- allow script replacement in the resulting executable
- never released
- If programFile is set, do not make the base artifact (the .jar) executable, just the programFile one.
- Stable