Welcome to our capstone project "smart surveillance" for our Master of Applied Data Science from the University of Michigan School of Information.
The authors Akshar and Sandro formed a team to reduce annoying alerts of our current survaillance system by applying computer vison to identify if a tracked person on the video stream is unkown.
A detailed report blog can be viewed and the the data can be explored interactively
One of the biggest challenges that we faced early in our project was that there was no dataset "in the wild" that we could use for implementing our project since we wanted to personalize our system to actual users' environments which meant that we would need to know the personalization features to apply. Therefore, all of the data that we would need for training, testing, and evaluation would have to come from our own devices and sources. Here, our team member, Sandro generously offered his own home and camera setup to be the source of our dataset and fulfill our data requirements.
The streaming video feeds use a set of off-the-shelf IP cameras (Reolink RLC-423) and are run 24x7. There are actually a set of 6 cameras capturing video streams but our project will focus on a single stream from the camera labeled Eingang (translated to entrance). The stream is stored in a local storage array that has the capacity to store a few weeks worth of data.
As one can see on our building blocks of our current system below - it is a more complex and interdependent system which we accomplished on our local machines. However, it is difficult for us to make sure that all components of this system is reproducible without any error on another system in that short time. Therefore, we appologize for any inconvinience you may experience during the compilation of our system and are happy to hear any complications. We tried our best to document the different steps to compile the system. Neverteless, we hope we can provide you a better understanding about what we have archived with this repository together with our detailed report and our analysis tool. In future we will defnetly continue working on this repository and are happy about any feedback.
you just need to recreate our conda enviroment
# recreate our conda enviroment
conda env create -f smart_surveillance.yml
# activate our conda enviroment
conda activate smart_surveillance
Any Reolink camera that has a web UI should be compartible with our system eg.:
- RLC-423 (validated on our own cameras)
- RLC-411WS
- RLC-420-5MP
- RLC-410-5MP
- RLC-520
- C1-Pro
- D400
you just need to create a secrets.cfg file in the smart_surveillance folder that contains the credentials for each Reolink camera you want to access
# sudo nano smart_surveillance/secrets.cfg
Now you should be able to access your Reolink camera. The script below will provide you the concrete coordinates of the interest areas you have setted via the official Reolink app and will log any incoming alert that was triggered by the camera. This we have used in our project to compare our system against the alerts coming directly from the camera (02_evaluation_of_alerting_system.ipynb). Remember we want to reduce the annoying false positive alerts of the alerting system built in the Reolink camera. Therefore, we need the alerts coming from the camera directly as reference.
# $source need to be replaced by the camera name setted in the secrets.cfg file e.g. camera1
python Reolink/motion_alert.py -s $source -c smart_surveillance/secrets.cfg -o Reolink/log/ &
In the Reolink/log/ folder you can review the output of these monitored events coming from the camera.
Here we need to compile the multi object tracker we have customized from FastMOT
Make sure to have nvidia-docker installed. The image requires NVIDIA Driver version >= 450 for Ubuntu 18.04 and >= 465.19.01 for Ubuntu 20.04. We have built and tested it stabely with Driver version 510.47.03 and CUDA Version 11.6 for a RTX-3080/3090 GPU equipped Ubuntu 20.04 server:
# change directory
cd smart_surveillance/
# build docker
docker build --build-arg TRT_IMAGE_VERSION=21.05 -t fastmot:latest .
# for displaying within docker
xhost local:root
Now we can check if the driver was installed correctly
# check driver
sudo docker run --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.0-base nvidia-smi
Now we can compile the docker by going in the plugin folder and compile it using make
cd fastmod/plugins
then you need to go in the scripts/ folder and run download_models.sh to fetch all the model files
cd scripts/
Now we should be able to launch the docker in an interactive mode - Lets test it via
# run/open docker
docker run --gpus all --rm -it -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app/FastMOT -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -e TZ=$(cat /etc/timezone) fastmot:latest
check if you have cv2 available within the launched interactive docker if not you need to install cv2 via wheel within the docker to get all dependencies otherwise it will not work becuase GSTREAMER support for videocapture is not given otherwise
pip install --no-binary opencv-python opencv-python
try if you can run the tracker on a test video just copy paste any video of your choice (with some people walking around) anywhere in the dockers filesystem
python3 app.py --input-uri fastmod/REC_84194.mov --mot -o test.mp4
in case you had to manually install a dependency within the docker e.g. cv2 rember the id of the container indicated in the prompt root@containerID and leave the interactive docker via the command exit
In order to display a list of launched containers including yours you need to execute
sudo docker ps -a
Finally, create a new image by committing the changes using the following syntax
# sudo docker commit [CONTAINER_ID] [new_image_name]
sudo docker commit fa9f6b05cde3 smart_surveillance
# now you should see the saved container in docker images
docker images
Now we can launch the saved container
docker run --gpus all --rm -it -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app/FastMOT -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -e TZ=$(cat /etc/timezone) smart_surveillance:latest
# or
docker run --gpus all --rm -it -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app/FastMOT -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -e TZ=$(cat /etc/timezone) containerID_seen_in_docker_image
Once you have managed to compile all the dependencies above - we can now start to personalize the system by letting the system know who your friends and family are.
configure the paths for the different files on your machine in the configuration file conf.json
NOTE: the weights and architecture of FaceNet are stored in smart_surveillance/FaceRecognition/ model.json, model.h5
To detect, extract and cluster all the detected faces of your personal picture collection you need to run the script below in the terminal. This will output folders of faces that were clustered together and seem to be the identical person. In addition it will store all the extracted encodings, as well as paths to the cropped faces and original pictures in a json file.
python main.py -c conf.json -e True -cl True
Next you need to manually evaluate the correctnes of the clusters and label the folders with the appropiate name of the subjects. Once this was done you can run the code below to restructure the created database. This database can be used now to reidentify these people.
python main.py -c conf.json -r True
For a better intuition how it works we have created a brief demo 01_Overcome_cold_start_face_recognition.ipynb that walk you through our scripts. All of that is intended to be executed just once before the system goes in production. After the system is in production our goal is to update the database with images coming direcly from the camera after the homeowner has provided feedback about the specific person (e.g: who is it?, do you want to get notified if this person got detected? ...). This should be a straight forward feature expansion of our system which we are planing to implement in the near future.
We have created a shell script (smart_surveillance/run_scripts.sh) for our convinience that is launching the different pices of the system as the following:
# direct into the script directory
cd smart_surveillance
# run the shell script with appropiate arguments
./run_scripts.sh -source1 Eingang
The script takes the following arguments:
- -source1-3: used to activate the system on the stated cameras set in secrets.cfg; multiple cameras can be monitored (we have tested it for up to 3 cameras at the same time)
- -config: the configuration path to secrets.cfg containing the credentials and IP address of the camera sources (default: smart_surveillance/secrets.json)
- -output: is the output path in which you would like to log the system (default: ../Reolink/log)
- -clf: is the path to the personalized pretrained model to recognize a face (default: FaceRecognition/KNN_weighted.json)
in this example we have activated the system just on one camera source called Eingang with the default settings
NOTE: For now this shell script is focused on our local system. But can be easily customized by just replacing the camera source names in the shell script with the names defined in the smart_surveillance/secrets.cfg file
if everything works out - you should find 2 processes run on your GPU. One process for module a) & b) and the other process is for module c) & d). Other then this you will aslo find a bunch of CPU proccess for each of the modules a),b),c) & d) as well as the monitoring of the reference alerting system.
│ │
│ └───log
│ │ YOLO4_DeepSORT_source_overview.log
│ │ FaceNet_source_overview.log
│ │ Reolink_motion_alerts_source.log
│ │ ...
│ │
│ └───output*
│ │ camera_source.mp4
│ │ ...
│ │
│ └───FaceRecognition
│ │
│ └─── FaceNet_input* (contain pictures of tracked person)
│ │ │
│ │ └── camera_source (e.g.: Eingang)
│ │ │
│ │ └── in_of_interest_area
│ │ │ └── trackID_1
│ │ │ │ [YEAR][MONTH][DAY]_[h]_[min]_[sec]_[source_camera][frame_nr]_crop_track_[trackID_1].png
│ │ │ │ ...
│ │ │ └── trackID_2
│ │ │ │ [YEAR][MONTH][DAY]_[h]_[min]_[sec]_[source_camera][frame_nr]_crop_track_[trackID_2].png
│ │ │ │ ...
│ │ │ └── trackID_n
│ │ │ ...
│ │ │
│ │ └── out_of_interest_area
│ │ └── trackID_1
│ │ │ [YEAR][MONTH][DAY]_[h]_[min]_[sec]_[source_camera][frame_nr]_crop_track_[trackID_1].png
│ │ │ ...
│ │ └── trackID_2
│ │ │ [YEAR][MONTH][DAY]_[h]_[min]_[sec]_[source_camera][frame_nr]_crop_track_[trackID_2].png
│ │ │ ...
│ │ └── trackID_n
│ │ ...
│ │
│ └─── FaceNet_output* (contain pictures of detected faces within interest area only)
│ │ │
│ │ └── camera_source (e.g.: Eingang)
│ │ │
│ │ └── in_of_interest_area
│ │ └── trackID_1
│ │ │ [YEAR][MONTH][DAY]_[h]_[min]_[sec]_[source_camera][frame_nr]_crop_track_[trackID_1].png
│ │ │ ...
│ │ └── trackID_2
│ │ │ [YEAR][MONTH][DAY]_[h]_[min]_[sec]_[source_camera][frame_nr]_crop_track_[trackID_2].png
│ │ │ ...
│ │ └── trackID_n
│ │ ...
│ │
│ └─── on_queue (contain pictures of detected faces within interest area only)
│ │ │
│ │ └── classifier (e.g.: KNN or SGD)
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └── trackID_1
│ │ │ │ └── [YEAR]-[MONTH]-[DAY]
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──[hour]
│ │ │ │ │ │ [YEAR]_[MONTH]_[DAY]_[h]_[min]_[sec]_[trackID_1].log
│ │ │ │ │ │ ...
│ │ │ │ │ └──...
│ │ │ │ └── ...
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
│ │
│ └───log
│ Reolink_motion_alerts_source.log
└── ...
Due to privacy issues we cannot share the pictures we have taken over the last 2 weeks of the people walking through our video streams. Thereby, we have marked every parent folder with a * which could not be included in the repository (same is true for child folders).
- smart_surveillance/log/
this directory consits of 3 different log file types:- YOLO4_DeepSORT_source_overview.log
- Backbone file which captures all the information ...
- if a person was detected, lost, reidentified or out of frame
- a path to a picture that was taken for that tracked person when it is within the interest area
- Backbone file which captures all the information ...
- FaceNet_source_overview.log
- this log file contains information about the identification of the tracked person ...
- was a face detected?
- do we know the person?
- what is the encoding?
- what is the closed distance to a known person?
- where do we store pictures of the detected faces?
- this log file contains information about the identification of the tracked person ...
- Reolink_motion_alerts_source.log
NOTE this is a subset of the Reolink/log/ and had to be copied over because the container is not sharing the same file system - something that has to be changed in the future- In order to configure the system appropiatly the file provides the required camera settings such as
- source camera
- resolution
- frames per second (FPS)
- alerting area (area of interest)
- bit rate
- In order to configure the system appropiatly the file provides the required camera settings such as
- YOLO4_DeepSORT_source_overview.log
- Reolink/log/
this directory has the full log of incoming notifications of the camera
- Reolink_motion_alerts_source.log
- whenever a motion was detected the camera triggers an alarm which we encode as a 1 otherwise there is no entry in the log file to not explode the file
- Reolink_motion_alerts_source.log
- smart_surveillance/FaceRecognition
- this directory consits of 3 output directories:
- FaceNet_input (not provided in repository due to privacy) this directory contains all the images taken by the system from the detected person which is then used by MTCNN
- FaceNet_output (not provided in repository due to privacy) this directory contains all the detected faces (images) which is then used by FaceNet to extract the features for the FaceRecognition
- on_queue
this directory was meant to push the whole identification history of a tracked person that was identified as unknown to the messegeBroker module f). We did not manage in the short time to implement the messaging but the building blocks are already implemented and just need to be connected. For now the on_queue folder is created using a (from the system) still decoupled script called test_SGDC_knn.py. This script is running KNN and SGD on existing log files to recognize the detected people and is pushing these collected log files for one individual whenever it was identified as unknown. In the future we will need to do some minor changes to this script in order to push these alerts in real time coupled with the system.
- this directory consits of 3 output directories:
- smart_surveillance/output
- this contains the recorded videos with the detected bounding boxes around the tracked people of the analyzed video streams.
The notebooks mentioned below should demonstrate the following parts
1) overcome a cold start of our system 01_Overcome_cold_start_face_recognition.ipynb
configure the paths for the different files on your machine in the configuration file conf.json
NOTE: the weights and architecture of FaceNet are stored in smart_surveillance/FaceRecognition/ model.json, model.h5
To detect, extract and cluster all the detected faces of your personal picture collection you need to run the script below in the terminal. This will output folders of faces that were clustered together and seem to be the identical person. In addition it will store all the extracted encodings, as well as paths to the cropped faces and original pictures in a json file.
python main.py -c conf.json -e True -cl True
Next you need to manually evaluate the correctnes of the clusters and label the folders with the appropiate name of the subjects. Once this was done you can run the code below to restructure the created database. This database can be used now to reidentify these people.
python main.py -c conf.json -r True
2) brief exploration of the reference database 04_Brief_database_exploration.ipynb
Please download the reference Database into the Database folder of the repo first.
3) define in or out of interest area. Demonstrate why we recenter and upsample using super_resolution method prior feature extraction 05_demo_area_of_interest_recenter_upsample.ipynb
4) comparison of incoming alerts between the IP camera and YOLO/DeepSORT 02_evaluation_of_alerting_system.ipynb
5) evaluation of our models 03_model_evaluation.ipynb
Please download the reference Database into the Database folder of the repo.
NOTE: the extensive manually labeled ground truth dataset is stored in groundTruth and the precomputed evaluation is stored in FaceRecognition_evaluation.json