This is a Complete Next.js Boilerplate project bootstrapped with many different tech stacks that going to be very opinionated
There are some required steps to do before starting the project
cp .env.example .env.local
update .env.local
# this is required
- Prettier
- Eslint
- Commitlint with Husky
- Lint Staged with Husky
- Redux using Redux-Toolkit
- Material UI
- Vanilla CSS
- Cypress
- Component testing / page testing (Haven't decided)
- Integration testing
- Default Next.js
- Redux-Toolkit Query
- Validating env using zod
- Form validator using zod
This is probably not the right setup for you because of the specific tech stack choices
If you still want to use it. I'll work on CLI
for cleaning every tech stack that you don't want to use