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svrep 0.5.0

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@bschneidr bschneidr released this 08 Feb 01:37
  • This release adds extensive new functionality for two-phase designs. The new vignette "Replication Methods for Two-phase Sampling" describes the new functionality as well as the underlying statistical methods.

    • The function as_gen_boot_design() can now create generalized bootstrap weights
      for two-phase survey design objects created with the 'survey' package's twophase() function.
      The user must specify a list of two variance estimators to use for each phase, e.g. list('Stratified Multistage SRS', 'Ultimate Cluster').

    • The function make_twophase_quad_form() can be used to create a quadratic form
      for a two-phase variance estimator, by combining quadratic forms from each phase.

    • The helper function get_nearest_psd_matrix() can be used to approximate
      a quadratic form matrix by the nearest positive semidefinite matrix. This can be
      particularly useful for two-phase designs, since the double
      expansion estimator commonly used in practice frequently does not have a
      variance estimator which is positive semidefinite.

  • The function as_gen_boot_design() has a new argument named psd_option, which
    controls what will happen if the target variance estimator
    has a quadratic form matrix which is not positive semi-definite.
    This can occasionally happen, particularly for two-phase designs. By default,
    the function will warn the user if the quadratic form is not positive semi-definite
    and then automatically approximate the matrix by the nearest positive semi-definite matrix.

  • Added a new function get_design_quad_form(),
    which determines the quadratic form matrix of a specified variance estimator,
    by parsing the information stored in a survey design object created using the 'survey' package.

  • Added a new function rescale_reps() which implements the rescaling of replicate
    adjustment factors to avoid negative replicate weights. This functionality
    already existed in as_gen_boot_design() and make_gen_boot_factors(), but now
    it is implemented with the help of this new function.

  • Added helper function is_psd_matrix() for checking whether a matrix is positive semi-definite,
    and added a helper function get_nearest_psd_matrix() for approximating a square matrix
    by the nearest positive semi-definite matrix.

  • Minor improvements to vignettes, particularly formatting.