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svrep 0.5.1

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@bschneidr bschneidr released this 17 May 16:31
  • New Features:

    • Added argument exact_vcov = TRUE to as_gen_boot_design() and make_gen_boot_factors(). This argument forces the generalized bootstrap variance-covariance estimates for totals to exactly match the target variance estimator. In other words, this eliminates bootstrap simulation error for variance estimates of totals. This is similar to how, for simple survey designs, the jackknife and BRR give variance estimates for totals that exactly match the Horvitz-Thompson estimates. Using exact_vcov requires that the number of replicates is strictly greater than the rank of the target variance estimator.

    • Added new variance estimators ("Deville 1" and "Deville 2") available to use for the generalized bootstrap, which are particularly useful for single-stage PPSWOR designs or for multistage designs with one or more stages of PPSWOR sampling. See updated documentation for as_gen_boot_design() and make_quad_form_matrix().

    • If the 'srvyr' package is loaded, then functions from 'svrep' that return survey design objects will always return a tbl_svy if their input was a tbl_svy. This makes it easier to use functions such as summarize() or mutate().

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed bug where as_bootstrap_design() wouldn't create more than 50 replicates for the Rao-Wu, Preston, or Canty-Davison types.