Run With: npm i
Backend Start: node server.js
next: adopt add user page to add plants, add api call from previous project
This is Project 2 of our class. We needed to create an application that uses a new npm package or api as well as being able to have CRUD functionality. We created an app that helps you keep track of the plants you own. you can keep track of things like notes you leave about each plant, when you last watered it and even add photos on how it is doing.
To install, you need to clone the repo to your local. then you need to run npm install in the greenhaus folder. Also, you need to add the schema into your mysql database and create the greenhaus. also adding in your password for mysql to the config.json.
To use, you need to be in greenhaus folder, in the integrated terminal type node or nodemon server.js this will work assuming you followed the steps for installing. If you are trying to use this with the heroku app we launched, you may just click the link for the heroku application. To use the upload photo part of our app, you need to type in /uploads at the end of the url because we did not have the time to finish the routes for it all.
Max Higa, Brandon Tobasaka, Mike Fogarty, James Gilley
This project is purely made for our project. We wanted to create something with a wide area for future improvement.
to use this app refer to usage information
For the future, we would like to look into using a gifencoder package to create a gif for each plant with photos taken throughout the life of each plant. We would aslo like to add authentication and create an actual user base with encryption for passwords and an email verification. Also, another classmate suggested making a Q&A area so that people can ask about their plant needs and concerns to other users. there is also an API that brings up a bunch of info on different plants based off the common name of it. James in our group had got it to work on the side but we did not have the time to fully implement it into the final stage before presenting.
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