Experimental plugin, feel free to contribute or report any issues to improve compatibility with more web browsers and screen readers.
A plugin for creating accessible rich internet applications with godot.
For more information about screen readers and browsers compatibility please see: current live region behaviour.
- Accessible html page template.
- Notifiy changes or important alerts to screen readers.
- Restore or gain focus with tab / shift + tab navigation.
- Focus can leave the canvas element to navigate other content on the web page.
- Accessibility module for Node2D.
- Customizable web input element as a control node.
- Native html input as an hybrid control node ( replacement for LineEdit control )
- Media features detection (reduce motion, contrast preferences, light / dark theme)
Just add the addons folder to your project and enable the plugin.
See: Installing a plugin
The default godot web export HTML page has accessibility issues and is not compatible with this pluign.
Before you can use this addon you need to make some quick changes to the export settings:
This repository provides a more accessible HTML page that can serve as a starting point: godot_aria_shell.html
Auto focus behavior is not recommended, the user should decide when to enter focus ( click or tab navigation ).
Export > html/custom_html_shell: "res://addons/godot-aria/godot_aria_shell.html"
Export > html/focus_canvas_on_start: false
See: Custom HTML page for Web export
Global class GodotARIA
provides methods to manage focus for the html canvas element and a way to send notifications or alerts to screen readers as aria-live updates.
Focus the current canvas element.
Remove focus of the current canvas element.
Awaits for a natural pause before speaking up. It won’t interrupt what the screen reader is currently announcing. Equivalent to aria-live polite.
If no lang value is passed it will use the current locale from the TranslationServer.
GodotARIA.notify_screen_reader(message: String, lang : String = TranslationServer.get_locale())
Speak an alert, interrupts whatever the screen reader is currently announcing. Equivalent to aria-live assertive.
If no lang value is passed it will use the current locale from the TranslationServer.
GodotARIA.alert_screen_reader(message: String, lang : String = TranslationServer.get_locale())
Detects and returns a media feature value.
GodotARIA.get_media_feature(feature: String)
Supported feature values:
- prefers-color-scheme: Detect if the user prefers a light or dark color scheme.
- prefers-contrast: Detects if the user has requested the system increase or decrease the amount of contrast between adjacent colors.
- prefers-reduced-motion: The user prefers less motion on the page.
- prefers-reduced-transparency: Detects if a user has enabled a setting on their device to reduce the transparent or translucent layer effects used on the device.
To make any Node2D accessible you can add the custom node AccessibleModule as a direct child, this will create an overlay control to handle the focus behavior.
- Add focus behavior.
- Custom focus style.
- Tab navigation between other focusable elements.
- Notify name or description to screen readers on focus.
Name or description to be anounced by screen readers.
Focus mode of the overlay control: None, Click, All.
The focusable area size, calculated by default if the node has a visible texture or rect.
Add a custom style if needed, otherwise you can use has_focus() and apply a custom focus indicator on the node.
Reference of the overlay control that manages the focus behavior, use this property to interact directly with the overlay control.
Focus the overlay control.
Checks if the overlay control has focus.