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Iaroslav Shepilov edited this page Aug 11, 2018 · 4 revisions

Authorization in the Script server can be divided in the following sections, depending on your purposes:

Please refer to the corresponding section for the required information.

In general there are no access restrictions in the Script server by default (except admin users).

User/group identifiers

When configuring any access from the section below, you should specify users and groups.

User identifiers depend on your Authentication:

  • LDAP: user name at login
  • Google OAuth: email
  • No Auth: token or IP (see details)

Group identifiers are group names, prefixed with @ sign, e.g. @devs.


Groups can be configured via groups property. Each group has an unique name and a list of users (or other groups).

Groups can be referenced by "@ + name" syntax (e.g. @devs).

There is an implicit group @admin_users, which is created based on admin_users configuration property.

However if an explicit @admin_users group is defined, then admin_users property doesn't affect it.

Ldap Groups

If LDAP auth is enabled, then user groups can be fetched from it. These groups will combined with groups.

base_dn configuration is required for groups lookup. In some cases base_dn can be deduced from username_pattern.
Groups lookup is performed by member and memberUid group fields. Script server tries to get this user information from LDAP, based on username_pattern:

  • uid=$username,ou=users,dc=domain,dc=com: searches exact dn
  • $ searches by userPrincipalName field
  • domain\$username: searches by sAMAccountName field

If the user information is not found, then the full username_pattern will be treated as a user dn, and groups will be searched only by member field.

LDAP groups loading is performed only on the user login.

Server access

Global access of the users to the Script server can be configured via allowed_users property.
If a user is not in the allowed_users list, he won't be able to access anything at the script server (except login page).

Important note: if a user is specified in groups or admin_users, he will be allowed automatically. So there is no need to add him to allowed_users explicitly.

By default all the users are allowed.
Google OAuth: it's mandatory to specify allowed_users, because otherwise any person with Google account would be able to access the Script server. If it's a desired effect, then any user (*) should be specified explicitly.

Additionally, if auth is enabled, access to the server is possible only after performing authentication procedure.

Scripts access

Access to each script can be configured spearately via allowed_users config.
By default, users have access to any script.

Admin users

Script server has an admin page (/admin.html), who is accessible only by users in admin_users list.

At the moment admin page provides only script logs. However in the future it would be possible to make configuration via it. So be careful, when setting admin_users.

If auth is enabled, there are no default admin users.
If auth is not enabled, by default admins are any connections from localhost.