The Project implements a dashboard to display the real-time information of 2019 novel coronavirus through youtube live streaming. Watch the live stream first.
- To show the number of cases, deaths from repective countries from the source website.
- To display the geographical transmission of the virus.
- (if possible) To accompany the real-time updates from World Health Organization twitter in alphanumerical format.
- download processing IDE from
- install the dependencies from the contributed libraries
- library
- HTTP Requests for Processing
- install Twitter4j library following the instruction
- You need to have google developer's key if you want to make this work online from google sheet data. Store this key as a single line key file. See Loader class for the detail.
- You need to have twitter dev key to get notified over twitter dm when any error or update is necessary. Store 4 keys from twitter dev account into a single line key file (semicolon-separated.) See Sentinel Class for the detail.
World map
- Marked up SVG world map@github
- wikipedia:blank maps
- Free World SVG Map from Simplemaps I use this version.
- Due the the latest update in the names and borders of countries the attached SVG map file differs from the original version.
Live update data source
- Primary sources
- Coronavirus at
- Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Cases (Summary of Confirmed, deaths, and recovered cases), provided by JHU CSSE
- Deprecated
Time series data of 2019 nCov (Google spreadsheet)from Johns Hopkins CSSE
- Primary sources
- twitter trends
- Progress graph for each territory
- I appreciate the following sources and websites who enormously help to make this app possible.
- for twitter dm source
- for git management
- Computing a simple centroid of n-polygon
- Fonts
- Thanks Google fonts. all is Roboto and its family.