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                                 biceps README

1. Summary

2. Installation
Installation from the Windows binary package should be straightforward.

On Linux, building biceps has a few requirements:

are recommended though not required to build the Documentation.

Using these packages, building biceps should work with
cd builds
mkdir biceps && cd biceps
cmake "PATH TO BICEPS SOURCE" e.g. cmake ~/code/biceps
make && sudo make install

Installation Notes
Installing on either windows or linux will result in a binary file biceps, installed to {PREFIX_PATH}/bin, e.g. /usr/local/bin
A configuration directory called .biceps will also be created as a subfolder of your home directory, containing a
* directory  "Models", which is the Model for the pepnovo component (at the moment, the name of the model to be used is
* file in_AAmodifications.param, which describes the internal modifications or rather mutations pepsplice will try, e.g.
the different modifications of Lysine.