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-> Added N-Layer PES Intensity Modelling App.
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c0deta1ker committed Sep 6, 2023
1 parent 8b8d835 commit 08b488d
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Binary file removed MatBase-v1.0.0/0_ReadMeImages/App_MainMenu.png
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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions MatBase-v1.0.0/

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Binary file added MatBase-v1.0.1/0_ReadMeImages/App_MainMenu.png
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
function d_o = overlayer_calc(theta, C_m, imfp_m, I_m, C_o, imfp_o, I_o)
% d_o = overlayer_calc(C_m, imfp_m, I_m, C_o, imfp_o, I_o)
% Function that determines the thickness of a uniform oxide-film on an
% oxidised metal surface. This is calculated from the relative
% photoelectron intensity of the oxidic or the metallic component, with
% respect to that of the corresponding oxide or clean metal, respectively.
% This model assumes that the underlying metallic layer is an infinitely
% thick slab, with a uniform oxide layer of thickness d_o on top.
% IN:
% - theta: scalar of the photoelectron take-off angle.
% - C_m: scalar of the volume density of metal atoms in the metal [mole / cc].
% - imfp_m: scalar of the imfp of electrons in the metal [nm].
% - I_m: scalar of the total peak area of the metal photoelectron peak.
% - C_o: scalar of the volume density of metal atoms in the oxide [mole / cc].
% - imfp_o: scalar of the imfp of electrons in the oxide [nm].
% - I_o: scalar of the total peak area of the oxide photoelectron peak.
% OUT:
% - d_o: thickness of the oxide in nm.

%% 1 : Determination of the oxide thickness
d_o = imfp_o .* sin(deg2rad(theta)) .* log(1 + (C_m.*imfp_m.*I_o) ./ (C_o.*imfp_o.*I_m));


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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
function fig = view_nlayer_pes_model(pes_model, lyr_cols)
% fig = view_nlayer_pes_model(pes_model)
% This function plots the solutions to the 'nlayer_pes_model()' function;
% the n-layered sample stack and the corresponding photoelectron
% contribution from each one of the layers. The user can input the colors
% for each one of the layers using the 'lyr_cols' argument; this is
% convenient when you want to color-match the schematic to your own
% drawings.
% IN:
% - pes_model: data structure that contains all the pes model parameters and variables (from 'nlayer_pes_model()').
% - lyr_cols: Mx1 cell-vector of the [R,G,B] color of each independent layer.
% OUT:
% - fig: MATLAB figure object with the ARPES data plotted.

%% Default parameters
def_cols = flipud(num2cell([0.25,0.25,0.25;lines(length(pes_model.lyr_mat)-1)], 2));
% -- Defining the default parameters
if nargin < 2; lyr_cols = def_cols; end
if isempty(lyr_cols); lyr_cols = def_cols; end

%% 1 - Plotting the the model solutions
% -- Range of photon energies, but a single angle
if length(pes_model.hv) > 1 && length(pes_model.theta) == 1
fig{1} = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_hv(pes_model, lyr_cols);
% -- Single photon energy, but a range of angles
elseif length(pes_model.hv) == 1 && length(pes_model.theta) > 1
fig{1} = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_theta(pes_model, lyr_cols);
% -- Range of photon energies and angles
elseif length(pes_model.hv) > 1 && length(pes_model.theta) > 1
fig{1} = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_hv(pes_model, lyr_cols);
fig{2} = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_theta(pes_model, lyr_cols);
% -- Single values only
else; fig{1} = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_hv(pes_model, lyr_cols);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
function fig = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_hv(pes_model, lyr_cols)
% fig = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_hv(pes_model, lyr_cols)
% This function plots the solutions to the 'nlayer_pes_model()' function;
% the n-layered sample stack and the corresponding photoelectron
% contribution from each one of the layers. The user can input the colors
% for each one of the layers using the 'lyr_cols' argument; this is
% convenient when you want to color-match the schematic to your own
% drawings.
% IN:
% - pes_model: data structure that contains all the pes model parameters and variables (from 'nlayer_pes_model()').
% - lyr_cols: Mx1 cell-vector of the [R,G,B] color of each independent layer.
% OUT:
% - fig: MATLAB figure object with the ARPES data plotted.

%% Default parameters
def_cols = flipud(num2cell([0.25,0.25,0.25;lines(length(pes_model.lyr_mat)-1)], 2));
% -- Defining the default parameters
if nargin < 2; lyr_cols = def_cols; end
if isempty(lyr_cols); lyr_cols = def_cols; end

%% 1 - Plotting the the model solutions
fig = figure();
fig.Position(3) = 900;
fig.Position(4) = 450;
%% 1.1 - Plotting the intensity profiles for each layer
subplot(1,3,1); hold on;
x_width = 5;
bulk_thickness = 5;
if pes_model.Nlyrs == 1
y_cum = cell2mat(pes_model.lyr_thick);
y_cum = cumsum(cell2mat(pes_model.lyr_thick));
y_cum(isinf(y_cum)) = y_cum(end-1) + bulk_thickness;
% -- Plotting each layer from bottom-up
for i = pes_model.Nlyrs:-1:1
patch([-1, -1, 1, 1, -1].*x_width, [0, y_cum(i), y_cum(i), 0, 0].*-1,...
lyr_cols{i}, 'edgecolor', [0 0 0]);
% -- Adding text for each material type
for i = 1:pes_model.Nlyrs
if i == 1; y_loc = 0 - 0.5*(y_cum(i) - 0);
else; y_loc = -y_cum(i-1) - 0.5*(y_cum(i) - y_cum(i-1));
if i == pes_model.Nlyrs
text(0, y_loc, "(Bulk) "+string(pes_model.lyr_mat{i}),...
'color', 'k', 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'verticalalignment', 'middle', 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',10);
text(0, y_loc, sprintf("(Layer %i) ",i)+string(pes_model.lyr_mat{i}),...
'color', 'k', 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'verticalalignment', 'middle', 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',10);
% - Box Styling and Axis properties
ylabel('Depth From Surface [nm]', 'fontweight', 'bold');
title('Sample model stack');
axis([-x_width, x_width, -1*max(y_cum(:)), 0]);
% - Formatting the axes
ax = gca;
% Font properties
ax.FontName = 'Segoe UI';
ax.FontWeight = 'normal';
ax.FontSize = 10;
% Tick properties
ax.XMinorTick = 'off';
ax.YMinorTick = 'off';
ax.TickDir = 'both';
ax.XColor = [0 0 0];
ax.YColor = [0 0 0];
% Ruler properties
ax.XAxisLocation = 'bottom'; % 'bottom' | 'top' | 'origin'
ax.YAxisLocation = 'left'; % 'left' | 'right' | 'origin'
% Box Styling properties
ax.Color = [1 1 1];
ax.Box = 'off'; % 'on' | 'off'
ax.LineWidth = 0.75;
ax.Layer = 'Top';
%% 4.2 - Plotting the intensity profiles for each layer
subplot(1,3,[2,3]); hold on;
% - Filing through each layer
for i = 1:pes_model.Nlyrs
% -- If only one angle is given
if length(pes_model.theta) == 1
plot(pes_model.hv, pes_model.lyr_ints0{i}, 'k.-', 'color', lyr_cols{i}, 'markerfacecolor', lyr_cols{i}, 'linewidth', 2.5);
% -- If a range of angles are to be plotted
num_cols = length(pes_model.theta);
start_col = lyr_cols{i};
end_col = lyr_cols{i} + 0.50*(1-lyr_cols{i});
colors_p = [linspace(start_col(1),end_col(1),num_cols)', linspace(start_col(2),end_col(2),num_cols)', linspace(start_col(3),end_col(3),num_cols)'];
for j = 1:length(pes_model.theta)
plot(pes_model.hv, pes_model.lyr_ints0{i}(j,:), 'k.-', 'color', colors_p(j,:), 'markerfacecolor', colors_p(j,:), 'linewidth', 2.5);
leg_labels{i} = string(pes_model.lyr_mat{i})+"("+string(pes_model.lyr_cls{i})+")";
leg_cols{i} = plot(nan, 'k.-', 'color', lyr_cols{i}, 'markerfacecolor', lyr_cols{i}, 'linewidth', 2.5);
% -- Formatting the axes
legend([leg_cols{:}], leg_labels, 'location', 'best');
title('Photoelectron intensities vs photon energy');
xlabel('Photon energy [eV]', 'Interpreter', 'none', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
ylabel('Relative Contribution', 'Interpreter', 'none', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
ylim([0, 1.00]);
% - Formatting the axes
ax = gca;
% Font properties
ax.FontName = 'Segoe UI';
ax.FontWeight = 'normal';
ax.FontSize = 10;
% Tick properties
ax.XMinorTick = 'off';
ax.YMinorTick = 'off';
ax.TickDir = 'both';
ax.XColor = [0 0 0];
ax.YColor = [0 0 0];
% Ruler properties
ax.XAxisLocation = 'bottom'; % 'bottom' | 'top' | 'origin'
ax.YAxisLocation = 'right'; % 'left' | 'right' | 'origin'
% Box Styling properties
ax.Color = [1 1 1];
ax.Box = 'off'; % 'on' | 'off'
ax.LineWidth = 0.75;
ax.Layer = 'Top';
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
function fig = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_theta(pes_model, lyr_cols)
% fig = view_nlayer_pes_model_vs_theta(pes_model, lyr_cols)
% This function plots the solutions to the 'nlayer_pes_model()' function;
% the n-layered sample stack and the corresponding photoelectron
% contribution from each one of the layers. The user can input the colors
% for each one of the layers using the 'lyr_cols' argument; this is
% convenient when you want to color-match the schematic to your own
% drawings.
% IN:
% - pes_model: data structure that contains all the pes model parameters and variables (from 'nlayer_pes_model()').
% - lyr_cols: Mx1 cell-vector of the [R,G,B] color of each independent layer.
% OUT:
% - fig: MATLAB figure object with the ARPES data plotted.

%% Default parameters
def_cols = flipud(num2cell([0.25,0.25,0.25;lines(length(pes_model.lyr_mat)-1)], 2));
% -- Defining the default parameters
if nargin < 2; lyr_cols = def_cols; end
if isempty(lyr_cols); lyr_cols = def_cols; end

%% 1 - Plotting the the model solutions
fig = figure();
fig.Position(3) = 900;
fig.Position(4) = 450;
%% 1.1 - Plotting the intensity profiles for each layer
subplot(1,3,1); hold on;
x_width = 5;
bulk_thickness = 5;
if pes_model.Nlyrs == 1
y_cum = cell2mat(pes_model.lyr_thick);
y_cum = cumsum(cell2mat(pes_model.lyr_thick));
y_cum(isinf(y_cum)) = y_cum(end-1) + bulk_thickness;
% -- Plotting each layer from bottom-up
for i = pes_model.Nlyrs:-1:1
patch([-1, -1, 1, 1, -1].*x_width, [0, y_cum(i), y_cum(i), 0, 0].*-1,...
lyr_cols{i}, 'edgecolor', [0 0 0]);
% -- Adding text for each material type
for i = 1:pes_model.Nlyrs
if i == 1; y_loc = 0 - 0.5*(y_cum(i) - 0);
else; y_loc = -y_cum(i-1) - 0.5*(y_cum(i) - y_cum(i-1));
if i == pes_model.Nlyrs
text(0, y_loc, "(Bulk) "+string(pes_model.lyr_mat{i}),...
'color', 'k', 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'verticalalignment', 'middle', 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',10);
text(0, y_loc, sprintf("(Layer %i) ",i)+string(pes_model.lyr_mat{i}),...
'color', 'k', 'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'verticalalignment', 'middle', 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',10);
% - Box Styling and Axis properties
ylabel('Depth From Surface [nm]', 'fontweight', 'bold');
title('Sample model stack');
axis([-x_width, x_width, -1*max(y_cum(:)), 0]);
% - Formatting the axes
ax = gca;
% Font properties
ax.FontName = 'Segoe UI';
ax.FontWeight = 'normal';
ax.FontSize = 10;
% Tick properties
ax.XMinorTick = 'off';
ax.YMinorTick = 'off';
ax.TickDir = 'both';
ax.XColor = [0 0 0];
ax.YColor = [0 0 0];
% Ruler properties
ax.XAxisLocation = 'bottom'; % 'bottom' | 'top' | 'origin'
ax.YAxisLocation = 'left'; % 'left' | 'right' | 'origin'
% Box Styling properties
ax.Color = [1 1 1];
ax.Box = 'off'; % 'on' | 'off'
ax.LineWidth = 0.75;
ax.Layer = 'Top';
%% 4.2 - Plotting the intensity profiles for each layer
subplot(1,3,[2,3]); hold on;
% - Filing through each layer
for i = 1:pes_model.Nlyrs
% -- If only one photon energy is given
if length(pes_model.hv) == 1
plot(pes_model.theta, pes_model.lyr_ints0{i}, 'k.-', 'color', lyr_cols{i}, 'markerfacecolor', lyr_cols{i}, 'linewidth', 2.5);
% -- If a range of angles are to be plotted
num_cols = length(pes_model.hv);
start_col = lyr_cols{i};
end_col = lyr_cols{i} + 0.50*(1-lyr_cols{i});
colors_p = [linspace(start_col(1),end_col(1),num_cols)', linspace(start_col(2),end_col(2),num_cols)', linspace(start_col(3),end_col(3),num_cols)'];
for j = 1:length(pes_model.hv)
plot(pes_model.theta, pes_model.lyr_ints0{i}(:,j), 'k.-', 'color', colors_p(j,:), 'markerfacecolor', colors_p(j,:), 'linewidth', 2.5);
leg_labels{i} = string(pes_model.lyr_mat{i})+"("+string(pes_model.lyr_cls{i})+")";
leg_cols{i} = plot(nan, 'k.-', 'color', lyr_cols{i}, 'markerfacecolor', lyr_cols{i}, 'linewidth', 2.5);
% -- Formatting the axes
legend([leg_cols{:}], leg_labels, 'location', 'best');
title('Photoelectron intensities vs theta');
xlabel('Emission Angle [deg.]', 'Interpreter', 'none', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
ylabel('Relative Contribution', 'Interpreter', 'none', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
xlim([0, 90]);
ylim([0, 1.00]);
% - Formatting the axes
ax = gca;
% Font properties
ax.FontName = 'Segoe UI';
ax.FontWeight = 'normal';
ax.FontSize = 10;
% Tick properties
ax.XMinorTick = 'off';
ax.YMinorTick = 'off';
ax.TickDir = 'both';
ax.XColor = [0 0 0];
ax.YColor = [0 0 0];
% Ruler properties
ax.XAxisLocation = 'bottom'; % 'bottom' | 'top' | 'origin'
ax.YAxisLocation = 'right'; % 'left' | 'right' | 'origin'
% Box Styling properties
ax.Color = [1 1 1];
ax.Box = 'off'; % 'on' | 'off'
ax.LineWidth = 0.75;
ax.Layer = 'Top';

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