This is our submission repo for the PGDL 2020 competition. Our final submission is available in and the VPM_1 folder. A preprint detailing our solution is available here.
In the following we detail how to evaluate our 3 metrics on the public set. Note that the public data has to be downloaded separately from here.
TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 python ingestion_program/ {INPUT_DATA_PATH} ingestions/{SUBMISSION_NAME} ingestion_program {SUBMISSION_NAME}
TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 python ingestion_program/ ../public_data/input_data/ ingestions/VPM_1 ingestion_program VPM_1/
python scoring_program/ {REFERENCE_DATA_PATH} ingestions/{SUBMISSION_NAME} scores/{SUBMISSION_NAME}
python scoring_program/ ../public_data/reference_data/ ingestions/VPM_1/ scores/VPM_1/
Given the timing constraints and the availability of the testing servers, we were only able to test our final submission on public and final, while our other attemps have been only tested on public/development. When the full data is available we would like to unify both tables.
Measure | Public | Final | Task1 Public | Task 2 Public | Task 6 Final | Task 7 Final | Task 8 Final | Task 9 Final |
VPM (G=1) | 6.26 | 9.99 | 6.07 | 6.44 | 13.90 | 7.56 | 16.23 | 2.28 |
Measure | Public | Development | Task1 Public | Task 2 Public | Task 4 Dev | Task 5 Dev |
VR (G=11) | 14.45 | 0.72 | 9.31 | 19.58 | 0.44 | 1.00 |
WCV (G=1) | 32.6 | 0.37 | 27.74 | 37.44 | 0.21 | 0.55 |
VPM (G=80) | 11.17 | 13.04 | 4.80 | 17.54 | 15.42 | 10.66 |
Our code still refers to the measure as smoothness instead of variation. Note that what we compute is better suited to be called variation and that the smoothness is the inverse of variation. When the metric(variation/smoothness) is small -> the signal is said to be smooth and vice-versa.
We tested more combinations than we present in the master branch. All other tests are available in all_tests.