Live website hosted on Heroku:
Feature highlights:
- can track meals & workouts
- can create goals for calories consumed or burned
- calorie values for over 500,000 food items
- secure login
Fancy Rails things:
- delayed job welcome emails
- HTTParty hits Nutritionix API
- test coverage with FactoryGirl + Capybara
- VCR gem for API call playback
- photo uploads to S3
- simple form
To run locally:
- fork and clone this repo
- run
bundle exec figaro install
and put ENV variables into application.yml rake db:create
,rake db:migrate
,rake db:seed
- run
rails s
, then visit localhost:3000
To run the test suite:
- from root directory, run
- to have guard running in the background,
bundle exec guard init
, thenbundle exec guard