Boilerplate iOS Project with MVVM & SwiftUI
This project is a iOS app of Boilerplate that building by Swift.
- Always think about the million users are using this app, so it must be the World Class app
- Coding is not just feature done, it's the reflection of success
- To get the best quality, must have the best solution
- Always think about & follow up SOLID principal for every solutions
- Naming is VERY VERY IMPORTANT, it's not coding, it's solution
Apply Clean Architecture + MVVM
|----------------- Layers ------------------|
| Presentations | Business Logic | Data Layer |
|-------------------------- Actual ---------------------------|
| Presentations | Business Logic | Data |
| View <--> ViewModel <--> UseCase <--> Repository <--> API/Dao |
|:---- Extension Entity ----|---- Basic Entity --------:|
- This is the major view layer of iOS app and is categorized by module (feature or epic).
- View is built by SwiftUI
- View is rendered based on the data from ViewModel
- View that are used across module will be placed in CommonUI folder and MUST NOT build based on ViewModel.
Examples of a standard view that build based on view-model:
@EnvironmentObject var viewModel: ContactViewModel
var body: some View {
let contact =
HStack(alignment: .center) {
AvatarView(avatar: contact.avatar, size: 32)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.primaryBold(fontSize: 15)
Text("age: \(contact.age())")
.secondaryRegular(color: .gray)
.frame(minHeight: 44, maxHeight: 44, alignment: .center)
- It aims to handle business logic for a specific view such as validation, retrieve data, ...
- ViewModel uses use-case to retrieve data or handle domain business logic
- ViewModel observes AppState data to get application state
and provide ViewModel into View in Route:
let contactList = NavigationRoute(path: "/contactList") {
.provideViewModel(create: {
ContactListViewModel(loadListUseCase: UseCases.loadContactListUseCase())
- It's the main layer to handle all data business
- It's a stateless layer, so it will be constructed on demand
- A use-case usually handle one use-case of a specific epic
- A use-case can communicate with other use-cases
- All use-case MUST be defined with an interface (abstract class), use-case communicate with view-model through by the interface
- Constructor in UseCases class (DI class)
class UseCases {
func contactService() -> ContactService {
return ContactServiceImpl(contactRepository: Repository.shared.contactRepository())
// list service
func contactListService() -> LoadListService<Contact> {
return ContactListServiceImpl(contactRepository: Repository.shared.contactRepository())
- It's singleton that stores all application state
- Each kind of state-manager is accessed through by protocol
class AppState {
static let shared = AppState()
private let appShowingInstance = AppShowingManagerImpl()
// Manager
func appShowingManager() -> AppShowingManager {
return appShowingInstance
- It's imported from local framework project name Repository
- The main data source of app that is used by service layer
- It's a stateless layer, so it will be constructed on demand
- It contains a little bit business rules to branch data source that should be used, from client or dao
- It also handle the caching logic rules, from memory or local storage
- All repositories MUST be defined with an interface (abstract class), service communicate with repository through by the interface
- Constructor in Repository class (DI class)
public class Repository {
public static let shared = Repository()
// Repository
public func contactRepository() -> ContactRepository {
return ContactRepositoryImpl(
contactDao: contactDao(), contactApi: contactApi()
// Api
func contactApi() -> ContactApi {
return ContactApiImpl()
// Dao
func contactDao() -> ContactDao {
return ContactDaoImpl()
- It's data source layer, client means data is from RestFul API and Dao means data is from local storage
- BaseAPI is advanced class to handle all generic calling API, retry when access token is expired and need to refresh, also for general API error handling
- BaseDao is advanced class to handle the generic storage, save/get list or item, or even for a string or an integer
- All APIs & Dao MUST be defined with an interface (abstract class), repository communicate with api/dao through by the interface
- It covers all entities in app
- Have 2 kind of models, basic entity and extension entity.
- Basic entity is belong to repository, it defines all entity's properties and support basic parsing with JSON
- Extension entity is belong to UI layer, it defines all utility methods of an entity
- All entity MUST extended by Equatable that useful in smart comparison
- There are 3 kinds of class to support construct instance for DI, AppState, UseCases and Repository
- AppState provide the instance of State-Manager
- UseCases is a singleton class that provide the instance of use-case.
- Repository is a singleton class that provide the instance of repository, api & dao
Here is list all of key folders or files in code structure:
|-- boilerplate-mvvm-swiftui
| |-- boilerplate-mvvm-swiftui
| | |-- UseCase *all use case that need in project*
| | |-- AppState *all app state that need in project*
| | |-- Configurations *All configurations needed for each environment
| | |-- DEV.xcconfig *Configurations for Development environment
| | |-- QC.xcconfig *Configurations for QA environment
| | |-- PROD.xcconfig *Configurations for Production environment
| | |-- Extensions *All foundation extensions class, such as String, Int, Date, ...
| | |-- Routing *define all Routers in application
| | |-- Theme *includes Design Tokens to manage all Styles such as font, size, color, spacing
| | |-- Constant *define all constant values such Keys, Strings, ...*
| | |-- Global *includes all global task such as Analytics, Messages, ...
| | |-- Model *define all extension entities and all entities that need in UI layer*
| | |-- Modules *define all UI Views & ViewModel that categorized by module or epic*
| | |-- Service *define all service classes*
| | |-- Utils *define all utility classes*
| | |-- CommonUI *define all common Views and can use across modules*
| | |-- 3rdParty *includes 3rd party that need to customize such as SwiftUIRouter
| | |-- boilerplate_mvvm_swiftuiApp.swift *the main class that app launch from*
| |-- boilerplate-mvvm-swiftuiTests *unit testing for ViewModel, UseCase & Service
|-- Repository
| |-- Repository
| | |-- Api *define all api classes*
| | |-- Dao *define all dao classes*
| | |-- Enum *define all enum*
| | |-- Model *define all basic entities*
| | |-- Repository *define all repository classes*
| | |-- Repository.swift *Repository class, singleton class that support DI for data layer*
| |-- RepositoryTests *unit testing for repository (Repository, Dao, API, ...), require testing for repository only*
Define all Routers using in app, includes all parameters, ViewModel, ...:
static var all: [NavigationRoute] {
let splash = NavigationRoute(path: "/splash", destination: SplashView())
let contactList = NavigationRoute(path: "/contactList") {
.provideViewModel(create: {
ContactListViewModel(loadListUseCase: UseCases.loadContactListUseCase())
let contactDetails = NavigationRoute(path: "/contact/{id}") { route in
.provideViewModel(create: {
return [splash, contactList, contactDetails]
Navigate to new screen:
@Environment(\.router) var router
Button(action: {
router.push(link: .contactDetails(with:
}, label: {
ContactRowItem(contact: contact)
Handle all Design System in Theme folder. DesignTokens is generated by Design System that we DO NOT ALLOW to edit it.
public class DesignTokens {
public static let colorBaseGrayDark = UIColor(red: 0.067, green: 0.067, blue: 0.067, alpha: 1)
public static let colorBaseGrayLight = UIColor(red: 0.800, green: 0.800, blue: 0.800, alpha: 1)
public static let colorBaseGrayMedium = UIColor(red: 0.600, green: 0.600, blue: 0.600, alpha: 1)
public static let colorBaseGreen = UIColor(red: 0.000, green: 1.000, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1)
public static let colorBaseOrange = UIColor(red: 1.000, green: 0.647, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1)
public static let colorBaseRed = UIColor(red: 1.000, green: 0.000, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1)
public static let colorFontBase = UIColor(red: 0.000, green: 1.000, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1)
public static let colorFontSecondary = UIColor(red: 0.000, green: 1.000, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1)
public static let colorFontTertiary = UIColor(red: 0.800, green: 0.800, blue: 0.800, alpha: 1)
public static let sizeFontBase = CGFloat(16.00) /* the base size of the font */
public static let sizeFontLarge = CGFloat(32.00) /* the large size of the font */
public static let sizeFontMedium = CGFloat(16.00) /* the medium size of the font */
public static let sizeFontSmall = CGFloat(12.00) /* the small size of the font */
public static let fontFamilyPrimary = "Helvetica"
public static let fontFamilySecondary = "Arial"
We use DesignTokens to define all Styles in application such as Color, Text, Spacing, ...
extension Text {
public func primaryRegular(fontSize: CGFloat = 13, color: Color = Color.primaryTextColor) -> Text {
return self.font(
.custom(DesignTokens.fontFamilyPrimary, size: fontSize)
public func primaryBold(fontSize: CGFloat = 13, color: Color = Color.primaryTextColor) -> Text {
return self.primaryRegular(fontSize: fontSize, color: color)
public func secondaryRegular(fontSize: CGFloat = 13, color: Color = Color.primaryTextColor) -> Text {
return self.font(
.custom(DesignTokens.fontFamilySecondary, size: fontSize)
then, ONLY using all styles in application through by all defined-styles
.primaryRegular(fontSize: 17)
All environments are configured in Configurations folder. Use .xcconfig to defines all parameters needed in application
//-- Endpoint
API_ENDPOINT_URL = https:/$()/
And match parameter from .xcconfig in Configs class, a singleton class stores all configurations. All parameters are read from AppEnvironment class.
final class Configs {
static let shared = Configs()
var isStorybook: Bool
init() {
isStorybook = AppEnvironment.isStorybook
- All ViewModels MUST have unit testing for all Events and StreamSubscriptions, except static constructor.
- All UseCases MUST have unit testing for all public methods.
- All Repositories MUST have unit testing for all public methods.
- Support logging for 6 standard levels of logs, here is lists (order by the priority of log)
- fatal: for any issues that kill the app or business
- error: for any exception that the app catch
- warning: for any potential error, invalid data or unexpected value that cause lead to error
- info: for log actions or events from end-user
- debug: for debug purpose and will not see in production, only see in development or testing mode
- trace: for tracking in order to identify bugs, do not keep it when bug is resolved
- The logging level for each environment will be set in .env files
- The Log class is a singleton and be able to get from singleton instance of Common class