Automatically saves a file in the ~/notes/
directory using the content of the first non empty line as the name of the file.
This is intended for uses of NewVim as a sticky notes editor for the desktop.
Use your favorite Plug-In manager for NeoVim to add 'camilotorresf/neovim-note-save':
Plug 'camilotorresf/neovim-note-save'
Restart NeoVim then run these 2 commands:
This adds 2 commands:
- To automatically save the content of the file in the~/notes/
directory, using the first line as the name of the file.:NoteExcit
- To exit the editor trying to save the file first.
To save the notes to a different directory, add this to your .config/nvim/init.vim
set note-save-directory=/home/camilo/mynotes
You can map your favorite keystrokes sequence to these commands:
nnoremap <Leader>nw :NoteWrite<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>nx :NoteExit<CR>
By Camilo Torres (