sychromize nginx config file by kubernetes.configMap,and reload nginx when file(hostname_date) changed
- step1: upload nginx config files to configMap by kubectl
- step2: nginx-controller will listen to configMap, and download nginx config files to local directory
- step3: test and reload nginx when files changed
- note: the file "hostname_date" in any directory, used for force reload nginx
- linux
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build
- arm64v8
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o nginx-controller.arm64v8
- macos
go build
$cd /etc/nginx
├── conf-site.d
│ └── test.conf
├── conf-ssl.d
│ └── ssl_session_ticket.key
├── conf-upstream.d
│ ├── a.conf
│ └── b.conf
├── conf-socks.d
│ ├── a.conf
│ └── b.conf
$cat #copy files to configMap,update file hostname_date
echo `hostname` `date` | sudo tee /etc/nginx/conf-site.d/hostname_date
kubectl create configmap nginx-ssl --from-file /etc/nginx/conf-ssl.d -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl create configmap nginx-upstream --from-file /etc/nginx/conf-upstream.d -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl create configmap nginx-site --from-file /etc/nginx/conf-site.d -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl create configmap nginx-socks --from-file /etc/nginx/conf-socks.d -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl apply -f -
tail -f -n 1 /var/log/nginx/nginx-controller.INFO
$kubectl get configmap
nginx-site 2 1d
nginx-ssl 1 28s
nginx-upstream 2 14h
$./nginx-controller #download file to local directory,reload nginx when hostname_date updated
watch configMap=nginx-ssl,directory=/etc/nginx/conf-ssl.d
watch configMap=nginx-upstream,directory=/etc/nginx/conf-upstream.d
watch configMap=nginx-site,directory=/etc/nginx/conf-site.d
- suggest file encoding=base64 , becauseof kubernetes.client-go ConfigMap's value is string
openssl rand -base64 48 > ssl_session_ticket.key
log to standard error as well as files
-configmap2local string
configMap:localDir, eg:nginx-site:/etc/nginx/conf-site.d,nginx-upstream:/etc/nginx/conf-upstream.d,nginx-ssl:/etc/nginx/conf-ssl.d (default "nginx-site:/etc/nginx/conf-site.d,nginx-upstream:/etc/nginx/conf-upstream.d,nginx-ssl:/etc/nginx/conf-ssl.d")
-kubeconfig string
(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "/Users/tingfeng/.kube/config")
-log_backtrace_at value
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dir string
If non-empty, write log files in this directory
log to standard error instead of files
-stderrthreshold value
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-v value
log level for V logs
-vmodule value
comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging