Mass-driven sea-level change (also known as barystatic sea-level change) is driven by the exchange of freshwater between the land and the ocean, such as melting of continental ice from glaciers and ice sheets, and variations in land water storage.
Here, we use a range of estimates for the individual freshwater sources, which are used to compute regional patterns (fingerprints) of barystatic sea-level change.
We then compute the trend (rate of sea-level change), and quantify three types of uncertainties of these regional barystatic sea-level change fields:
- Intrinsic uncertainty: related to the observational error;
- Temporal uncertainty: related to the temporal variability in the time series;
- Spatial-structural: related to the location/distribution of the mass change sources;
The methods used to obtain this dataset, as well as the results, are presented in the manuscript "Trends and Uncertainties of Regional Barystatic Sea-level Change in the Satellite Altimetry Era", Earth System Dynamics. Link to manuscript preprint
These scripts assume that you have a folder with the dataset to run. The dataset (draft) is available here.
Please note that the both the manuscript and dataset have not undergo peer review yet!