A curated list of awesome iOS Twitter accounts worth following inspired by Awesome iOS The list is divided into the categories People, Conferences, Blogs and Podcasts. There is no defined order in each category. If you want to contribute, please read CONTRIBUTING.md.
Feel free to add other follow worthy Twitter accounts.
- @_ryannystrom - writer at rwenderlich and core contributor to IGListKit.
- @benjaminencz - iOS developer at PlanGrid and ReSwift core team member.
- @chriseidhof - creator of Objc.io.
- @designatednerd - Lead mobile developer at SpotHero.
- @ericasadun - author of Auto Layout Demystified.
- @gregheo - iOS developer at Instagram.
- @icanzilb - co-Author on the RxSwift book.
- @jesse_squires - curates the Swift Weekly Brief.
- @johnsundell - creator of Marathon, SwiftPlate, Unbox/Wrap & more.
- @khanlou - writing on khanlou.
- @krausefx - creator of fastlane.
- @merowing_ - creator of Sourcery and Objective-C playgrounds.
- @mikeash - famous owner of his blog.
- @natashatherobot - trySwift organizer and writes the Swift news newsletter.
- @nicklockwood - author of iOS Core Animation:Advanced Techniques.
- @olebegemann - co-authored Advanced Swift and blogging on oleb.net.
- @orta - helped build CocoaPods and Danger.
- @peres - Lead iOS Engineer at Babylon Health.
- @rjonesy - founder for Weather Line.
- @rwenderlich - founder of www.raywenderlich.com that has a huge set of tutorials.
- @soffes - iOS developer, working on iOS from the day the SDK was released.
- @steipete - creator of PSPDFKit.
- @stroughtonsmith - iOS developer, discovering details about future releases.
- @twostraws - creator of HackingWithSwift.com.
- @nsspain - The only conference for iOS and Mac in Spain.
- @pragmamarkorg - Italian Apple Dev Community. We organize the #PragmaConference.
- @swiftsummit - The premier Swift conference for developers.
- @tryswiftnyc - Immersive community gathering about iOS, watchOS, and tvOS development in Swift happening in New York
- @uikonf - Berlin's independent conference for serious iOS developers.
- @frenchkitconf - First iOS and macOS conference in France.
- @codemobileuk - iOS developer conference in the United Kingdom.
- @iosdevuk - iOS developer conference in Wales (UK).
- @daringfireball - A tech blog by Mark Gruber
- @iosdevweekly - a hand-picked round up of the best iOS development links every week.
- @objcio - publishes books, videos, and articles on advanced techniques for iOS and OS X development.
- @swiftlybrief - a community driven newsletter about about Swift.org
- @swift_unwrapped - a weekly podcast about the Swift programming language hosted by @jesse_squires and @simjp.
- Twitter List - An easily subscribable Twitter List containing the accounts listed above.
- To the extent possible under law, Carola Nitz has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. See LICENSE for more information.